47- forever.

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Onika's pov.......

I excitedly called Jacob, who picked up at the first ring as usual, to give him the good news.

"Hello Jacob!" I blurted out in a haste, as soon as he picked up.

"It seems someone is happy today." He chuckled at my impatience.

"Damn right, I am" I replied.

"So what's the good news?" he asked.

"You won't believe... " He cut me off.

"Don't tell me you took his signatures?" He asked incredulously.

"Duh, nah.. it's about Agustin, I talked to Agustin about consulting a psychiatrist and he actually agreed, can you believe that?!" I still can't!

There was a pause of three seconds before he replied.

"Are you sure he is not bluffing. I can't be sure he is not pulling wool infront of your eyes."

"I know it is a bit hard to believe, in the past when he used to torture me, I once accidentally told him that he is not right in the head and that he needs to visit a psychiatrist, after that he started venting his anger on me like a madman, saying how dare I and crap, but this time I am positive, I myself have fixed his appointment." I told with certainty, Agustin is many things but the truth is I haven't actually caught him lying to me ever.

"Wow..I...I don't know what to say, I thought that was something next to impossible, Agustin actually acknowledging that he needs the help of a psychiatrist, so what have you dec--"

I heard some hustle outside.

"Jacob I guess Agustin is here, I will talk to you later, okay?"


I saw Agustin coming upstair, so I immediately went to him to ask how it went.

"So how was it?" I asked, nervously.

He looked at me intently, something was off about him, as if he had just seen a ghost.

"It was okay?" It came out more like a question.

That's it, just okay. I poked him further.

"She is nice, isn't it? I told you. So you think there is some improvement?..." Before I can continue with my questions he interrupted me.

"Onika, for god's sake, it was just my first session, I won't come out of it being a new person."

I sighed heavily, he is right.

"Yeah, I am sorry.. you must be tired, take some rest." I said.

"Yes, I need some time alone," he said, I nodded my head in understanding.

Agustins pov.....

I went to my study room and told the guards not to let anyone enter the room unless I say otherwise, not even Onika, especially not Onika and if some emergency arises to call me on my private number.

I was eying the file as if it is a ticking time bomb. I muster all my courage and opened the file with a trembling hand.

I immediately recognised her beautifully sculptured handwriting. My heart clenched painfully as I saw the page was tear strained.


#Day 1.

Today I was reading Alex his bedtime story, Alice in wonderland. Suddenly a memory flashed in my mind, making it hard for me to breath.

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