Chapter 2

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"Welcome back Rey" mother welcomed me from the counter. "Need help with anything?" I asked "Not right now, you should help your father, his back's been hurting these days." "Sure" I responded before heading to the kitchen. 

"Father you need any help?" "Ah, sure, come here, some sacks of flour I ordered just arrived. I'll need some help to move them to the storage room." The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, I either helped customers out or baked back in the kitchen. Before I knew it, lunch time had come around, I packed my sister's lunch before heading out again.

I didn't get the chance to eat before this so I'm currently eating while biking. It's actually not that hard. Arriving at the school gate, it looks like the guards remembered me as they just let me through, they should guard this place better I thought. I waited by the spot I told Lily to wait by earlier this day. Where is she? Even after 10 minutes of waiting she still wasn't here. 

A nearby student saw me and probably thought I was lost. "Hello, are you lost?" the handsome blonde asked "No, I'm waiting for my sister. I have her lunch here with me, I'm not a student." I tried my best not to offend him, he looks like a high standing noble! "What's her name?" Why's he still talking to me? Aren't nobles supposed to be all snobby and arrogant? "um, she's Lily Lovell" An astonished expression crept up onto his face "You're her brother?" the face he was making implied that he wasn't convinced. He didn't imagine someone who walks around in a mask would be related to something so cute huh? "Yes, has she caused you any trouble? If so I apologize for her." He shook his head "No, no she's caused no trouble.." "I'm glad" 

"If you want I can pass this onto her for you." he suggested to me "N-no, it's fine, really" how can I order a noble around. "Brother!" Lily yelled from far away, seeing that my sister was here, the guy hurried away "Looks like she's here, I have something to do right now, good day to you." He said in a calm tone but it looked more like he was trying to run away. 

"Huh? Who were you talking to?" Lily inquired when she finally arrived to where I'm at "Just a random student. Lily are you making any trouble?" presumably mad at my question she snatch the bento out of my hands "Of course not Rey, I'm not that incompetent. It's annoying to constantly be told that okay?" finished saying that she walked away leaving me there. Guess I should give her some space, with that I left the school.

The next day when I reached the school and was again waiting for Lily to come get her breakfast. I saw the same guy I met yesterday pass by, our eyes locked and he began walking towards me. I panicked a little, Why's he coming this way? Did I anger him somehow yesterday? But surprisingly he wasn't angry or anything "Hello, remember me?" "uh, yes" I answered dumbly. "You also deliver her breakfast to her?" Why's he starting a conversation with me? "Yes, my sister can't cook so.." his eyes widened slightly, he seemed shocked at my reply like yesterday. "You should be careful when delivering her dinner then, it's not safe at night." 

"Oh, I don't bring Lily her dinner at night, I bring it with her lunch so she can heat it up at night." after that it was only silence for a minute, why isn't he leaving? "I noticed you were pretty quick to leave yesterday, may I ask if it's because of Lily?" I tried to get rid of the awkwardness. "No, I was just really busy that's all." he said but I didn't believe it a bit, if you were so busy why did you stop to talk to a stranger? 

"What's your name?" he asked out nowhere "That's right, I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Reyham." "Nice to meet you Reyham, my name is Chris." he said with a slight smile, don't smile at me! Why are you still here anyway? "So Reyhan if your sister Lily goes here, why don't you?" "Well our parents run a shop so I want to stay and help them out. Also I don't think I need to learn anything here anyway." He started asking more questions "Then why do you always wear a mask? Is it because you're really ugly?" he teased at me. "My family insists I wear it, I don't know if I'm ugly or not though. I've never seen my face before." I laughingly replied. 

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