Chapter 13

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A few days later~

"he he" I giggled in my bed wrapped up like a burrito, I can't stop thinking about the d-date with Chris! My face blushes every time I remember and I end up smiling, what is wrong with me? 

"Rey! Your sister's back!" mother called me from downstairs

"Really? I'm coming!" interrupted from my thoughts, I excitedly ran downstairs, almost tripping down the stairs. I wonder if Lily would like Chris? What if she ends up teasing me about it? Seeing Lily walk through the door my smile gets bigger, "Lily! I missed you so much!" opening my arms, I walked towards her for a hug. "Get away!" she suddenly shouts startling my parents and I. 

"L-lily? A-are you okay?" a nervous voice came out of me, a cold glare is given back. D-did I do something?? W-why is this happening? Another shock came from a loud voice next to me, "Lily Lovell!!" all our heads turned to see mother's angry face. "What are you doing treating your brother that way after returning?!" eep! Scary! "M-mother it's fine, Lily was just tired, being angry isn't good for your health." I nudge my sister's shoulder shaking her out of her shock. "Y-yeah, sorry Rey." a smile at her lips as she replies back. Mother continues to stare for a while before releasing a long sigh, waving her hand she says "lets just forget this" regaining her smile, she looks at father, who had turned into a statue for quite some time now, "dear can you go bring out the food?" "Ah?..Oh! Sure! Sure! Haha" cheerfully father leaves into the kitchen.

"I'll give you two some time to talk" eyeing us, mother also follows into the kitchen. "Lily let's go upstairs?" there is silence for a while before she replies "okay".

In my room a soft breeze comes from the open window, "How is school going? Has anyone been bullying you?" hopefully it's not as bad as in the game! Why didn't I go with her in the first place? Ugh I'm a terrible brother for this. "Only idiots would dare bully me, the future queen." a snarky reply. Is she in her rebellious phase? My cute Lily... 

"Oh! Why are you back so early? It's not school break yet." There should still be a month before the break. "Something happened, it seemed like everyone was rushing or something, we weren't told about anything, only being told about a month long break before school will restart again. It's so stupid to trouble me like this over a small matter."

"What about you? Any guy you've been talking to?" A blush creeps up on my face, "W-well, hehe" there's Chris. "Mmm?" "I-I h-have someone I l-like.." my voice doesn't work as I got quieter. "Oh? And who is this someone?" "W-well it's a g-g-guyyy" I sneak a peek at her looking for her reaction. Whew~ she doesn't appear replused by me. "I-I've been talking to him and uh his name is C-Chris."

"Ohhh? What's his family name? Status? How old is he?"  What? "Huh?" "Don't tell me you don't know anything about him?" "W-well um.." What did I talk to Chris about again? Why don't I know anything about him? "It's a guy too" "W-what do you mean?" "It's nothing, but even though I may accept you, I'm not sure whether or not mother and father will do the same," Please don't say anymore- "it's such a disgusting thing, you know?" Stop, stop, it's fine, Alex said love has no restrictions, love has no restrictions...right?

"I'm just worried about you, Rey, I'll help you. Let's go get a doctor to check you, it may be a illness." A gentle, caring smile is on Lily's face but my mind is in shambles. 

I don't remember what else happened, my mind still a mess as I lay on my bed. The moon shining high up in the sky, I..I wonder what it's like to be on the moon? It stands alone in the night, different from the stars but still shining so brightly....Can I be the same?

I...I wish.. I could be brave and love openly not caring about others but I can't escape my fears. My doubts about what could happen, why do what others say matter? I want to believe in love but I can't stop the words of others that influence me. Why am I not strong? Strong enough to bear the words of others. Why am I so weak? 

Looking up once more at the pale moon, my consciousness sways as I fall asleep. Love has no restrictions right?

Feeling like it was just a quick moment, the sun had already appeared as the moon was gone. My eyes open to the warmth of the sun, I stayed still under the sun's light, it's warmth almost comforting me. If I can't be the lofty moon then can I be the warm sun? I want to be someone who can protect those I love. Am I strong enough? 

At breakfast, Lily chirps "Let's go around town today Rey! I really want to go shop around with you." "Sure, let's go after breakfast." "That's a great idea, time to make up after your fight yesterday" father mumbled as he read the newspaper. "Father, we didn't fight, I was just tired okay?" "Yes, yes, I understand" "Hahaha dear stop teasing her" 

Watching over my family laughing in happiness brings a warmth to my heart. I will protect this happiness.



How long has it been since I updated? 6-7 months? Whelp I just posted, time to go away for another 6-7 months. BYE~~~

Ok jk, I don't know when I'll update again. Because of not writing this for so long, I felt like I changed their characters a bit again. Also the father didn't say much in this chapter at all, like he didn't exist lol. 

Btw I wrote this late at night, so if there's any mistakes then blame me being tired right now.

This is just kind of like a chapter to set up the events of the next chapter and add some I guess depth to Rey's character? I don't know, I feel like I added too much of him just droning on and on about wanting to be stronger. Tell me what you think?

I didn't really re-read my other chapters, so if anything doesn't match up then it can't be helped lol. Another thing is that I feel like Rey is so bipolar lol, his emotions switch so quickly, also tell me what you think about this. 

Lastly is that I really want to shorten up this book because I'm afraid of me dropping this book if I keep it going longer so I'll start trying to speed things up.(if I can) So, sorry about this in advance. 

Thanks for reading!

-actually surprised most of you  didn't drop this book lol

-ok this is definitely the last thing, just a warning, I'm going to unpublish stuff like notes I wrote + the april fools joke thing

Reincarnated as the Heroine's brother(dropped)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant