XXX. Scouting Legion (4)

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I updated the two chapters because I wanna thank you all for supporting my book and some of you also read the original but still continue to support me and Celine.

Thank you, minna-san! 
If not because of you I will not rank #26 in Fantasy for days and will not reach 40k+ views, So, I sincerely thank you all *bows head*

I also wanted to thank my friend for your help with my story, for the screenshots, and for my book cover. You're the best *thumbs up*

Anyway, be ready for the drama and make sure you have tissue next to you when you read the next chapters *wink*


When I calmed down after the shocking discovery, Dianne and Jasmine showered the two of us (I and Michelle) a question about the meaning of 'Shingeki no Kyojin' and where did she get the word 'Scouting Legion' for our party's name... not that they got any satisfying answer from me since the two of us are tight lip when talking about the things in our past life and former world.

The four of them including the ice goddess of the group, Tanya are satisfied with our party name since it was quite unique and... cool. Of course, I and Michelle who were both otaku are very proud and happy about the result.

So, after more questions about our party, we approach wolf beastman oniichan to register our party name. I also found out that wolf beastman oniichan's name is Claude.

Even though I was registered at Hoffman branch, I can still update my I.D card in every guild branch around the world, no matter where and what part of Ygdrassil I am as long as there is a guild branch nearby, I can still update my info and get a job.

Anyway, I check my status after Claude oniichan updated my I.D card by clicking the beak of the eagle.

Name: Miu

Age: 9 years old

Job: Archer

Weapon: Bow

Adventurer Rank: E

Party Name (Permanent): Scouting Legion

Party Rank: F

Because the twins was as curious as a cat, they asked me about my I.D cards. Michelle suggested that since we are now in the same party, we should exchange information about our codename, job, weapon, skills and ability for us to easy to work together as a group.

This is what our conversation after seeing each of our I.D cards:


"Why archer?"

"I love archery since I can remember"

"Sugoi! I heard that you get a sub-artifact from the king, is it the bow you use?"


"Oh. I heard about this too. It is said that the reason why the king gave you a present was because you made a discovery in both medical field and medicine. I was skeptical when I heard about it before but it seems it is the real deal"


For Michelle,

The Bright Future Awaits! The Villainess Lady's Route of HappinessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt