LXVI. My M Instructor

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Sorry for late update minna-san!

Out of my busy schedule LOL I will write something for my update yet when I connect my phone (since I only used my cp when creating a story) in a CPU in an internet café, my phone was corrupted and now, I need to write it from scratch. Poor me...

Anyway, enjoy reading~


After the ceremony finished, I no longer bother the things happened after that.. like someone being surrounded since she got the attention of the King and princes of the academy. It's not my problem anyway so why bother.

When I went back to my room to change for an appropriate attire for dinner, I saw for the first time my  three roommates. As YMA is a dormitory system type of academy and believe on equality, every room assigned for us will be shared by four people, whether you're a royalty, nobility or a commoner, you will share same room and it's up to you on how you will decorate your rooms. The room was quite big for four student so it will not be crowded or narrowed for four person to live, to be exact the room is quite big for four and it can atleast fit ten beds for ten person with each bed table at the side if you'll think about it. I choose the part of the room near the window and design that part to my likings. I make sure my bedroom has a touch of Harry Potter theme since I was studying in a magic academy and thinking about magic, Hogwarts was the first thought that came into my mind. Of course, I did not forget how I like pink so I put a slight dark pink color as my cover bedding and make sure it won't ruin my Harry Potter dream room. I did not bother how my roomies decorate theirs as I was busy appreciating my hard work personalized designed room until one of them approach me and introduce herself.

"Hi! Are you Miss Valkhyne? I'm Natasha Von Delga, a dark elf" she introduced with enthusiasm. Natasha has a dark skin and dark curly short hair with slight freckles on her face which is quite rare on elves since elves are vain people when it comes to their appearance. Natasha is beautiful and no doubt at that and her freckles did not ruin her beauty but emphasize her innocent, energetic beauty.

"The one on the right side with four eyes was Jamille Abbot" Natasha pointed the girl wearing big black rimmed glass that almost cover half of her face, sitting on the table while holding a book. Jamille is pretty girl with obvious silent personality. She had short, straight purple hair and golden purple eyes but one thing that pinned my interest on the girl was not how she stare at me with disinterest nor the scandalous book she's holding but the wolf ears protruding on her head. So cute~

"And that one was Charlotte de Crouzet" Charlotte was one of the most beautiful girl  that I've ever seen. Her seductive beauty was not scandalous as how I describe it but a striking  beauty that can mesmerize anyone by just looking at her. She got pale blonde hair, a smooth, translucent white skin, a bright almond-shaped green eyes, and red seductive pouty lips. When she smiled at me, I felt my heart throb and my face flush in embarrassment. I'm not bend since I know I'm a straight person but facing this type of beauty, I can't help but be stun by her appearance... but I feel that she look somehow familiar and her name... I felt that I've heard it somewhere but I can't pinpoint where and when... maybe it's not important so I can't remember it.

Last time, I did not meet them since among the four of us, I'm only freshman and they're my senpai's, meaning, they were not really required to  join the ceremony or whatnot and that's why they just arrived today and meet them.

"Hello Miss Natasha, Miss Jamille and Miss Charlotte. I'm Celine la Valkhyne, a freshmen student. Please take care of me" I introduce myself to them and perfectly executed my lady etiquette.

"Oh please. Don't show me that lady act now. We're all same student here so let's put it aside that aristocratic mannerisms you got" Natasha mumbled and I just give her a polite smile. "Anyway, call me Tasha. Miss Natasha is too formal for me"

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