Chapter Fifteen, Normal

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Sayori's Point Of View

      Another day of school...No point in getting up if I throw it away in a few days but might as well enjoy these last few days. To my surprise I heard a knock at my front door. Who could that be? I opened the door and to my surprise saw Monika, she was a beautiful girl who was just all around perfect, why was she here? I opened the door and she smiled at me. "Hello Sayori, I know this is odd, but would you walk to school with me?" Monika asked blushing.

      I nodded. How could I turn away this girl. I ran upstairs got ready the ran downstairs to Monika. "Okie, lets go!" I said happily.

      Monika grabbed my hands and we went to school, happily talking the whole time, I loved it. Monika also ended up eating lunch with me. She suggested we make a club, we both talked and we realized we both thoroughly enjoyed literature. We decided we would make a literature club! Only problem being you can't apply to make a club with only two members but Monika said she'd had more by tomorrow.

Yuri's Point Of  View

      People watching. I was preparing to go to the grocery store and do my people watching. I enjoyed seeing every different persons items. I looked back at my knives and saw them shining. Calling me. Of course I couldn't resist, people watching could wait. I pulled a knife but the knife block and lowered it to my vulnerable skin. As I was about to slice someone had knock on my door. A girl, wait no, not just any girl. Monika the tall athletic girl that is in math class with me. "Hello..." I managed to stutter. She smiled and handed me a flyer to an up and coming club, the Literature club. "We'd love to have you join us!" It wrote. I happened to love reading and decided this club would be a suitable fit for me. I looked back at the knife on my counter. I put it back and went to my room to read.

Natsuki's Point Of  View

      My dad yelled at me, he screamed then he grabbed my arm. "Listen you little mistake you mean nothing to me, why don't you kill your self!" He yelled as he stormed out of the door.

      We got into another fight, same old same old, he would come home late at night and beat the shit out of me. I cried I can't keep living this, no way in hell I could keep living like this. I ran into the bathroom and opened the medicine closet. I pulled out a bunch of bottles of prescription pills. I grabbed one and emptied the pills into my mouth. Then I heard a knock at the door. I ran to the door, pills still in my mouth. Monika, that incredibly nice girl from school handed me a flyer for her literature club.

      Teary eyed, I nodded. She noticed what was going on when one Xanax pill fell from my mouth. She dropped her flyers an swept my mouth with her finger, she emptied the bottle of pills from my mouth. She had my sit on the couch as she cleaned the pills from the floor and put the pills where I couldn't reach. Then she invited me to stay at her home that night, I agreed. I packed a rather large bag and left with her. Her home was rather nice and she offered me the guest room, I thanked her, after all she saved my life.

Monika's Point Of  View

       I've gotten every girl except for (Y/N). I would ask her tomorrow but in the meantime I ordered a pizza and helped Natsuki eat, she was practically anorexic so I made sure that she didn't eat too much or too little. Goddamn I do care for these girls, how could I have hurt them in the first place. Whatever it's fixed now.


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