Chapter Twenty Three, Fuck

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      Monika's Point Of View

      I sat at a desk in the literature club. (Y/N) and Yuri didn't show up and I know why. I fucked the plan up. Sayori wasn't ready and I changed Natsuki and Yuri too quickly. I wasn't able to help it, I'm useless. I picked my backpack off the ground and I turned to the petite girls, "Listen I have a family emergency and I have to get going!" I said trying to keep my voice from cracking.

      I ran down the halls oh my high school and sniffled. Tears, I was crying. I couldn't see my vision was blurry and watery, how could I let this happen!? How could I live with myself!? Yuri has something coming to her. "That fucking bitch" were the only words repeating in my head. I couldn't continue running since my vision was just a mix of saturated colors. I saw passing colors (civilians) stopping in front of my, probably concerned. I couldn't just stand there and cry so I stumbled to a nearby park. As I wiped the water from my eyes I began to regain my sight and noticed all the kids playing at the park. They giggled, ran around, went down slides, and shouted.

      I giggled at the sight of them, sure I knew they were fake, merely pawns to something greater but I could still enjoy the mockery this creator put in front of me. I sighed, how was I going to fix this, where would I start? Yuri, she was where I would start....ThAt BiTcH.

      Yuri's Point Of View

      I clothed my nude body and kissed (Y/N), she looked so peaceful. I knew Monika was going to come for me soon. She would be pissed but whatever it was worth it. I opened (Y/N)'s curtains and looked out at the beautiful sky. Honestly the sky could be fucking green and it would still be beautiful as long as I had (Y/N).

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