Chapter 8

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Today I do go to my classes. When I arrive at French madame Spiers grins at me with the widest smile. I bet she missed her only decent student. "Bienvenue à l'école monsieur Irving." she greets me. "ça fait du bien d'être de retour."

"Oh, Reiss, one more thing." madame Spiers says as I sit down next to Lucas who is currently napping. He's gonna have one hell of a surprise when he wakes up.

"Hmmm?" I respond to the teacher while waving my hand up and down in front of my friend's face. He's fast asleep alright. "Can you come to class a bit earlier than usual tomorrow? Just fifteen minutes or so..." she goes on. It's almost like she's pleading. "Sure." I say simply and that's when I slam one of my textbooks down really loudly on Lucas his desk. The guy jumps up in his seat and looks around all confused and puppy-like. "That is mahogany!" some other kid that's already in class yells and I laugh my ass off, sending them a thumbs up.

Lucas seems to have sort of collected his bearings and is now frowning at me. He's actually kind of cute with his dark blonde hair and and brown doeish eyes. Especially with that pout he has going on right now while I just grin at him. I can't help but wonder if he's into guys. Have I ever told him I'm gay?

"Have I ever told you I'm gay?" I voice my thoughts.

My friend's eyes widen and his jaw drops open. I honestly don't care that whatever other kids are in class already heard me. "No, you haven't. Thanks for telling me though I guess." he says breathily, his face completely incredulous. My grin widens and I nod at him. "You're welcome."

Before madame Spiers starts her class I can hear him mutter one more thing. "The hospital should have kept him."

Awww. I love you too, Lucas. Love you too. We share a look and smile at each other then start paying attention to class. I like it when this kind of thing goes smoothly and I get accepted.

In the next class Olivier greets me with a wide smile. I raise my hand to just wave at him in greeting but the boy has other plans. He hugs me tightly and I can't help but 'awww' out loud which makes him blush. I hug him back tightly and mess up his dark locks. He slaps my hand away and we let go of each other.

"I will make you extra food." he quips happily and starts buzzing around the kitchen. I raise my arms in victory, then start shuffling to an imaginative beat. A few of the other students laugh and applaud me when I finish. Some jock even says "It's good to have you back Reiss. This class was boring as fuck without you."

For some reason hearing that really makes me blush. I actually had no idea the people in my classes knew my name. But apparently some popular kid does. I don't know his name though. But I thank him anyway. The rest of the school day passes by on an equally surprisingly positive tone. Apart from lunch which I spent alone in the auditorium. I'm quite sure I won't be going there anymore from now on though. The air there just seems pregnant with sadness. Memories of Ethan weigh twice as much when I enter that room. It's suffocating. (No breathing. Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding.) Why hello to you to flashback to my middle school emo phase.

As I wait for the bus home Lucas walks up to me. "Which bus you waiting on?" he asks. I puff out my cheeks and press some air out through my lips. "Number... Two... Sixteen. I think. I hope." I reply slowly. Lucas nods. "Same." So we end up making arrangements so we can go to school and home together.

Eventually our conversation turns into silence. Lucas sighs and I pull out my phone to play sudoku. I know most people play candycrush and shit like that but I play sudoku.

"Did you know Olivier's gay too?" Lucas suddenly asks. I raise my eyebrows but remain focused on my phone. "No." I say simply. My mind suddenly gives the hug he gave me earlier a completely different meaning though. All his blushing suddenly means a lot more too. I close my eyes tightly and slowly blink them open again. No. Bad Reiss. Oli is your friend. I'm not attractive or interesting anyway.

Lucas continues talking and pulls me out of my thoughts. "Yeah we had to work on this project for English together. Of course we procrastinated and we got to talking. Eventually we were just complaining about our lack of a sex life. He seriously said he would even be willing to pay for a one night stand by now. I honestly didn't expect him to be like that. Don't judge a book by its cover I guess. Anyway, I told him that a face like his could get him quite a lot of girls in our school if he'd just talk to them. But he was all like 'no, you don't get it, I'm into guys'. The end."

I look up from my phone and look at him with my best 'really?' face. "And why are you telling me?" I ask. My mind is torn between 'this is not his place to tell' and 'am I desperate enough for some love to go after him?'. Then a pair of gray eyes pops up in my mind and I take the latter thought back. If there is anyone I should be going after it would have to be the mystery brother of my ex-crush. Oh my God that sounds weird. It's as if just because I couldn't get my crush I'm settling for the brother. It doesn't feel like that though. No, if anything it feels like those gray eyes flicked a switch inside of me and I woke up or something. Lucas interrupts my thoughts again.

"I was thinking that cause you're both gay and need some love that you could hook up or something. Could even lead to a relationship, who knows." he says casually. How can he say that so casually!?

"What makes you think I need 'some love'?" I say, slightly glaring at him. Lucas just smiles. "Your best friend died, of course you need something to get lost in. And what better drug is there than affection and love?"

He actually has a point. Music can be quite a drug too though and I'd say it's working fine so far. My hands are starting to hurt from overworking them though. And who am I kidding, I do feel a hole in my chest where Ethan's hugs and 'I'm here for you' kisses used to be.

"I'm not sure I want to use my virginity to a one night stand though." I mumble. Lucas looks at me with disbelief. "Dude, there's no way a guy with looks like yours is a virgin." he drawls. I frown at him. "I am." I say, slightly louder. I can feel my cheeks heat up in shame. Lucas studies me for a while. Then he nods.

"It wouldn't be that bad." he says. "You can look at it as a test run before you go for the real thing. No one has to know besides you and Olivier. You don't even have to tell me if you end up doing it or not."

I let his words bounce around in my head. Am I really letting him talk me into this? Losing my virginity to a one night stand with a friend while I'm grieving my best friend's death? That's so fucked up. Physical affection is something I do find myself craving all the time though. Now more than ever.

"I can even drop you off at his house if you want. It's the next stop and I have to get off here as well anyway."

I suck in a breath and mull it over it my head once again. Then I conclude that I don't give much of a shit. "Fuck it. I'm in." I say with a sigh. Lucas smiles at me. Then he pulls out his phone, probably to send Olivier a heads up. Aunt Cynthia would be so disappointed if she knew. I'm quite sure I'll just pretend it's him though. Gray eyes. I should really ask his name if I get a chance run in with him again.

Lucas puts his phone away and presses the bell thingy. The bus comes to a halt and we get off. Then my friend leads the way to Olivier's house. Is he really a friend though? I mean what kind of friend sets his two gay friends up for a one night stand? Apparently Lucas does that. Then again. If I had two straight friends, a male and a female, who were craving love but didn't notice each other, wouldn't I try to set them up too? I actually think I would. I don't know why he's doing it with a one night stand though. The I really come across as that kind of guy? Maybe he somehow knows about my low self esteem. I've heard sex is quite the miracle fix for that. It suddenly hits me that I'm really about to have sex and I actually feel giddy. In a good way.

We've arrived at the house and Lucas rings the doorbell. He seems to notice how I'm more fidgety than normal and sends me a reassuring smile. Olivier opens the door with a heavy blush covering his cheeks as he glares at Lucas. Lucas just pats him on the shoulder with a smirk. "You will so thank me later for this, Oli." he drawls and then walks away. It's just the Frenchie and I now.

One of Those Nights (boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora