Chapter 22

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So I missed French class completely and received five messages from Lucas with just 'wtf' in them for it. But I did make it in time for the cooking stuff, with about ten seconds spare even. I rush to Olivier his side with a smile. Tommy said he would arrive a few minutes after me to 'remove suspicion'. What people could be suspicious of I have no idea though.

"Has Terrence or Tommy told you yet?" Oli asks. I frown slightly in confusion. "Told me what?" I question suspiciously with a frown. He just smiles again. "I will tell you then. Terrence, Tommy and I decided that we will go 'all out' to make it easier for you to make a decision."

I blink at him a few times. Do they really think that will make things easier? Easier to have mental breakdowns, sure, but not easier to choose one. I'd feel really bad for whoever I end up choosing anyway. I'm kind of second hand material, life has left some dents and cracks in me that I can't fix. So I'm way below either their levels. What I still don't understand though is Tom. Where the fuck did he come from.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Tom has just entered the classroom while I was dozing off. The teacher is scolding him for being late, but he's pretty much one of the school's favorites so I doubt he'll get in trouble. He turns away from the teacher and we make eye contact, he smiles widely and sends me a wink. I just sigh and awkwardly look away from him.

I really don't get his deal. He claims to have been crushing on me since freshman year. What the hell? I didn't even know he existed until Lucas showed me he posted that video of me. So he was either very scared and sneaky, or he's lying through his teeth for whatever reason. Oh, I have an idea. I can just text him in class. Or not. I don't have his number.

"Reiss, taste!" Oli suddenly exclaims and I quickly turn to him. He's holding up a piece of a chocolate cake type of thing. With a grin I immediately rush over to him and open my mouth so he can feed me. The French boy seems to have other plans though. He softly tells me to wait before putting the piece of desert in his own mouth. Then he walks over to me, wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me. His tongue slips past my lips and I can feel myself blushing. What is he doing!? Are we really doing this in public, in the middle of class?

Olivier deepens the kiss even more and I can feel him transfer the chocolaty piece of desert into my mouth with his tongue. I can hear some student wolf whistle while a few others cheer. It's not cake, but more of a brownie I think. It's extra sweet and I find myself smiling. When Oli starts pulling away from the kiss I give him an extra peck before starting to chew on the food. It's delicious, like always.

When I notice everyone in class is staring at us I can feel my cheeks grow red. A sideways glance tells me Oli is in the same predicament, but he's grinning brightly at me regardless. For some reason though I can't help but throw a look at Tommy as well. I don't know what I expected, but the cold, calculating gaze he has aimed our way mildly surprises me. It's like he's thinking of a way to beat what Olivier just did. I mean, he basically just came out in public for me. That's going to be really hard to bear. People are probably going to think we're together though. What if word of this gets to Terrence? I actually find myself wanting to keep him in my life. We're both broken and battered because of life. Part of me thinks he can understand me the most because of that. But Olivier is naturally very understanding. I have no clue about Tom, I frankly don't think he stands much of a chance. He's just a stranger who randomly decided to make out with me. But, fuck, this situation sucks so much. I don't want to be here.

When the lesson is over and we get ready to leave the classroom I notice some people congratulating Olivier for having the balls to do what he just did. Of course there are a few disgusted looks in the background but overall it's a happy scene. I even find myself smiling at the sight. It's really nice to see people accept Oli. He's seriously a good guy and deserves to be loved.

During lunch I find myself in another sucky situation. Terrence, Tom and Oli decided that they wanted to drag me out of school for food, at the same time. I ended up telling them to either all come or I'd go out alone.

My feelings are completely torn up. I should be happy with the attention. But I feel like a slut for just accepting it while I can't bring myself to just choose one of them. I'm really not good enough for them yet they don't seem to see that. I've been over this in my head so many fucking times but I can't find a solution. Can't I just say no to all of them?

"Hey, you okay?" someone suddenly asks, startling me. Apparently the words came from Tom. I grimace slightly before answering him. "I just can't find a single way to handle this situation and it makes me feel like shit."

Tom frowns and rests a comforting hand on my shoulder. In the background I can see Terrence and Oli waiting in line to place our orders. They're way out of hearing range so I grab this chance to finally interrogate the boy next to me. "So..." I trail off. "Freshman year?"

He immediately starts blushing and buries his face in his hands as he groans. I can't help but laugh at his reaction. "Yes, freshman year." Tom starts. "I know it's pathetic. I had a few classes with you then and never really managed to keep my eyes off you. You're one of or the hottest guy in school you know that? The others actually talk about you quite often. But anyway. You were always around that Ethan guy and you never noticed me! So for two years I thought you were a couple. But then that accident happened. And horrible as it may be the first thing I thought was 'Oh shit, that guy is gone, I can actually have a chance with Reiss now'. But then things escalated and... Well, you know the predicament we now find ourselves in."

I can't believe this. He's been interested in me all this time. I could have had a boyfriend all this time. But would I have deserved him? I mean, of course I know very little about Tom, but he's genuine and seems to be a good guy. He has his shit together while I don't. Terrence and Oli arrive with our food and drinks. I thank them and quietly start eating, getting completely lost in thought. I'm not going to choose Tom, that's for sure.

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