Chapter 13: I'm not gay...

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I pinched my eyes close so I didn’t have to see what was about to happen but just as I started falling something grabbed my left arm, stopping me in midair. I cried out as my whole weight come to rest on that arm, causing unimaginably pain to shoot down my shoulder and side. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Anton had caught my left wrist in a tight grip, preventing me from falling. I couldn’t help but curse at him even if he probably saved me from some serious injuries.

He gave me a half angry, half relieved look before he slowly started to pull me up again. I grimaced at the pain burning at my side all the way up and when he had finally pulled me inside and my feet hit the carpet I instantly wrapped my right arm around myself, trying to still the hurt.

I didn’t get to do that for long though because suddenly Alex appeared in front of me. His face was a mask of fury and without giving me time to protest he took a hold of me and threw me over his shoulder causing more pain to erupt along my side.

"Hey, set me down!" I yelled at him when he started for the door but as soon as the words had left my lips I felt a burning sensation on my ass. My mouth fell open in surprise when I realized that he had just spanked me...

Without wanting to I could feel myself growing hard and I groaned at the discomfort. Anton and Adam, who was following us, both gave me intense looks and I gave them an angry eye back. The look in their eyes was too close to arousal and I once again wondered why that didn’t bother me so much, because it should have. As I have said before I’m not gay for Christ sake. Maybe they didn’t know that though…I gave it a thought and decided that I should inform them about that in case they were and had misread something in my behavior as an invite.

"Just so you know, because this is crazy and I don’t have a better explanation to your acting, I’m not gay. I repeat I am not gay." I said, throwing my hands out as best as I could due to the fact that I was hanging upside down over Alex shoulder. Alex had taken me out of the study and was marching up the stairs without breaking a sweat, leaving the other two to follow us. Adam and Anton shot me narrowed looks but it was Alex who answered me. With a sigh and a hard voice he said:

"That doesn’t really matter Ash, you belong to us because you were made for us. Everything about you was created to lure us near, even your scent, which by the way points to the fact that you are very much aroused at the time. It doesn’t matter that neither of us are gay, we will feel the same attraction anyway. Your body wants us, it craves us and the more you fight it the more consuming the feelings will get up until the point where you can’t deny them anymore. You will not be able to resist." 

Alex finished his speech and I could bet my face said it all by the amused looks on Anton and Adams faces. There was no way in hell that I was going to “crave” these guys touch, no way.

"I would bet the different." I grumbled under my breath as Alex reached the third floor. He kept walking along the corridor, passing doors as he went. I caught myself wondering what was behind all these doors.

Alex suddenly reached a big black door and he pushed it open without a word and I sighed when Anton and Adam followed inside. Adam closed the door and locked it with a key that he slipped inside his back pocket. When he saw me looking he gave me a wry smile and patted the pocket where the key had disappeared. I grimaced at him, annoyed at the fact that I would have to take him down if I were to get out through that door. Due to the fact that he had been able to hold me in a “tight hug” twice, preventing me from moving, told me that he was quite strong and probably not so easy to take down.

Alex took a few steps forward before he, in one swift move, pulled me down and threw me backwards. I landed on something soft and when I looked down I saw that I was lying at the foot of a king-sized bed.

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