Chapter 22: Uups did I say that out loud...?

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"You know a little heads-up would have been nice." I whined as I kept my back against them trying to make the images of their naked bodies disappear. I could hear Kevin start to laugh again and someone else huff in irritation.

"Now that wouldn’t have been as fun don’t you agree? By the way you can turn around now." Alex smirked at me when I finally dared to face them again and I sighed in relief when I saw that they had pulled some shorts on.

Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t the fact that I was disgusted by their naked appearances that made me want them to put on some clothes, no it was the simple fact that I would probably start drooling if they didn’t, that had me so nervous. Shit, I needed to get a mental check-up. I grimaced at myself and my dirty thoughts.

"You seem nervous Ash, is something wrong?" Alex voice was taunting and when my eyes met his I felt like he could read my mind and I couldn’t help the slight blush that tainted my cheeks.

"No! No I was just thinking about…hm… you know how it’s…eh… starting to get cold you know…?"  I mentally cursed my inability to tell a convincing lie as I avoided his growing smirk.

"Well then we should hurry up so we can get home and get you into a hot bath don’t you think?" Anton mischievously wiggled his eyebrows at my obvious embarrassment and I felt my blush deepen.

"Yeah sounds good huh, we can totally help you get those dirty clothes off." Adam smirked when my eyes grew big and I saw how they enjoyed taunting me like this.

I tried to get the images of me, naked in a bathtub with those three, out of my mind. Not that I succeeded especially good and I held back a groan when I suddenly felt my pants grow a little too tight.

Why the hell did they have this effect on me? Like seriously why was I growing hard just by them talking seductively to me? Was I turning gay or something? Could that actually happen? No I was still into girls…right? Hell I could feel myself growing a headache over this right now. I was brought back to reality when Vincent finally decided to open his mouth:

"Well if you lovebirds are done flirting can we try to get back before I starve to death?" His voice was taunting but I could have sworn that he had been quite interested in the conversation the brothers and me had just had and if I didn’t know better I would have said that he looked somewhat pleased.

Not that I really cared.

"Hey I’m not flirting." I muttered under my breath.

"They’re the ones you should worry about." I suppressed the urge to pout and point like a three- year old at the brothers who were all currently smirking at me. I shot them an irritated glance before Vincent shrugged his shoulders and simply said:

"Whatever, I’m just hungry." I rolled my eyes at that but since I couldn’t deny the fact that I too would appreciate something to eat, I kept my mouth shut.

Kevin took the lead in order to get us back to the mansion and I was too tired to try to escape again. Not that I would have succeeded anyway. The three devils were walking right next to me and Vincent trailed after us to make sure I didn’t run. That and the fact that I was limping and covered in painful wounds and bruises kept me trailing obediently after Kevin.

We hadn’t gotten very far though when Alex suddenly gave a noise of frustration and I gave him a curious look.

"Shit Ash, with you walking this slow we will get never get back!" He whined and I immediately stopped where I was slowly breathing in and out to get my rising anger under control. Vincent hadn’t notice me stopping and he walked right into me causing me to whirl around and push him away from me. The anger helped me gain some strength so I actually managed to make him stumble back a few steps.  

"Watch where you’re walking, stupid! I mean yeez don’t you think I have had enough today already? And you, I pointed at Alex who along with the others had stopped and turned their heads in my direction, you don’t get to whine because you’re not the one in pain here!" I gritted my teeth and sneered at them.

The silence didn’t last long as Alex eyes turned completely black and narrowed to tiny slits. He glared at me and clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides. Suddenly he started to drift towards me slowly as if he was sizing me up. My anger disappeared as soon as it had appeared and my heart started to pound a little faster. I couldn’t help but take a slight step back and hold my hands up soothingly as Alex kept coming at me with a predatory stance.

"Did I say that out loud? Wow, I… really didn’t mean to… I’m j-just going… to… run…" I laughed nervously but trailed of as Alex gave me a hard glare that rooted me to the spot.

Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut?

Yeah that’s right, because I’m an idiot. 

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