Chapter Thirteen

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  I barely paid attention to wherever Deke was driving until he stopped the truck and I looked up gasping when I recognized where we were.


  "I figured you hadn't been back here yet," he said and I just stared out the windshield. "Go ahead and I'll grab Zita."

  I smiled before jumping out and running towards the building and slamming the door open and gasping at the inside of the single room.

  "I kept the maintenance up because I knew you loved this place," Deke said coming up behind me. "I mean this was your parent's private dance studio."

  "You kept it," I whispered looking at him shocked.

  "Of course I did," he smiled walking over to to the side of the room and set Zita down on the carpeted area of the floor. "I knew that if you ever moved back here you would want to have this place to come to so you could get away. I kept this cleaned up and I built a house just up the path close to the lake and followed the design that you had picked out in some of the magazines we collected when we were in high school. You used to call this your little oasis away from the MC and from real life."

  "I can't believe you did all of this," I whispered as my eyes watered. "Why would you do this?"

  "Because I love you," he said and I gasped when he stopped in front of me. "I love you, I know the real you, I know almost every one of your secrets. I was there when you had your breakdown when your parents died. I was the one that found you when you ran away. I was the one that you always came to when you were upset and I was your second dance partner. I have always been right here for you just as you were there for me when I needed you the most. You helped when my mom died and my father left me. You were there when I fell into the wrong crowd, you help me when I was injured after my fights, you helped me work through my pain even when I was an ass towards you."


   "When we were younger I never did understand why we were friends because you deserved so much more than me. I was the screwed up idiot and you were the girl that had so many people that loved you. I fell in love with you when you stood up for what you believed in and took no crap from anyone, and I fell for you harder every day."

  "Why didn't you ever say anything?" I sniffed as tears fell down my cheeks.

  "Because you deserved so much better than me," he said resting his forehead on mine. "I knew I could never give you what you deserved that's why I pushed you towards the dance school audition, why I pushed you towards LA. You were the talented perfect person and I knew if I asked you to stay here with me then you would have done just that."


  "I was so fucking jealous when I found out that you were engaged to that man and even though I knew he could give more than I ever could I let my emotion overtake my thoughts and I lashed out at you and ruined our friendship," he said softly as tears fell from his eyes. "I knew that you would never want anything to do with me ever again but then you move back and forgive me. Puppy, I love you more than you could ever know."

  "I love you too," I cried burying my head into his chest as my tears soaked his shirt and I felt him pick me and move around before sitting down and I just tightened my arms around him still crying.


   I could hear talking so I blinked my eyes opened and saw Deke holding Zita and telling her one of the adventures from when we were kids.

  "What are you doing?" I asked sitting up and noticing that I had been covered up my Deke leather jacket.

  "Telling the cub a story," he smiled and I shook my head. "Did you have a good nap?"

  "I guess," I shrugged. "Why haven't you asked about the whole being hunted down by my husbands killer?"

  "Because I know when you are ready you'll tell me," he said and I nodded crawling over to him and taking my daughter who started quietly babbling.

  "I guess I should explain what I know," I sighed rocking Zita.

  "You can tell me when you are ready," Deke said and I gave him a sad smile.

  "Uncle Blake will just demand answers when we go back," I said and he nodded. "I knew Justin was doing some shady stuff but I also knew that that came into play with his work considering he worked for this off the book government security company. This last job that he was doing he was working undercover so he could get more information on some guy named Vincent Pahomeff, he owns an international shipping company called Pahomeff Shipping but there was evidence of some not so nice dealings. Anyways, Justin went undercover and had been doing the job for about a year when he was finally able to hack the private system and he downloaded some files and he brought them home to look over and he realized that Pahomeff was sending illegal weapons to different terrorist groups around the world he was also running a human trafficking ring and was selling young children on the black market. Justin was supposed to give the files to his handler but something went wrong and his handler went missing and Justin was stuck working for Pahomeff for another eight months and then he was murdered and his laptop and phone were stolen. About a week after Justin's murder his handler shows back up and says that Justin died because he failed to hide that he was a US government worker, which is a lie because Justin had been working for the same government company since he was twenty."

  "You think he was sold out?" 

  "I'm not sure but I think his handler sold him out and went dark until Justin died," I sighed. "I moved back here because I knew if anyone came after me then Zita would be safe from harm."

  "Your friends said that there was a flash drive missing off of Justin," Deke said and I sighed pulling my locket out of my shirt.

  "Not a flash drive but a memory card," I said opening my locket and holding the small memory chip up so Deke could see it. "Justin gave it to me as a precaution in case someone did come looking for it. I would give it to Jonas or Kalum but they both report back to Justin handler and if he did sell Justin out I don't want to be the one that gives evidence to a dirty cop."

  "I can understand that," Deke nodded. "So what are you going to do?"

  "I really don't know but with Justin's killer after me, I need to do something fast so Zita doesn't get caught up in all of this drama."

  "You have a lot of people that are will to help you if you just ask."

  "I know," I sighed staring down at my sleeping baby. "I should have explained everything to Uncle Blake instead of running off but he made me so mad with demanding answers."

  "I know," Deke chuckled. "That's why neither Knockout or I said anything when we found out that all of this was happening two weeks ago."

  "You knew?" I gasped.

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