Chapter 3- Batman

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3| Batman

I raced through the dark streets of a dingier part of the city, wearing a black hoodie.

"That f***er ain't kicking up. He needs to kick the f*** up!" Gabriel muttered from behind me. When you're in a gang, you need to kick up a portion of your earnings to those above you. And Bruce 'Batman' Jones wasn't kicking up so the boss sent us to have a nice chat to him.

"What's the address?" I asked, dodging past some garbage cans.

"45 Derby Road. Room 5."

"Then we're here." I said, stopping at the shabby hotel that stood in front of us. The window shades were on their last hinges and the wall was spray painted with tags. We barged into the hotel and almost scared the reception girl to death.

"S-sir, you can't go into the rooms! It's breaching the privacy of our customers." She stuttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Our friend Bruce who's in Room 5 is expecting us." Gabriel faked a smile.

"Oh, I- er...."

"Excuse us." I said politely as we knocked on Room 5's door. A half naked girl greeted us nervously.

"Is Bruce in there?" Gabriel asked in a "I don't take no crap" voice.

"Y-yeah?" She said.

"You. Out. We need to have a chat with him." I commanded. She scurried out once she realised that it was not going to be a civil chat over a cup of tea.

We spotted Bruce in his boxers trying to make his escape out the window. We grabbed him by the elastic waist band and pulled him back in.

"Sit down." Gabriel offered, gesturing to the old, worn-out mattress as I kicked the door shut with a loud bang.

"What do you want?" Batman grunted.

"Kick up." I replied bluntly.

"I'm being watched! I don't want to take a pinch!" He protested.

"Aren't we all being watched?" Gabriel retorted.

"Look mate. If you want to stay under the boss's umbrella, you gotta kick up." I threatened.

"Fine, I'll get the money right now ok?" Bruce sighed, inching closer to his briefcase that was near the window. Slowly grabbing the bag, he pulled out a wad of cash and gave it to Gabriel who counted it thoroughly.

"There's only 10 000 in here, where's the rest?" We looked up to see the shadow of Batman disappear out of the window.

"Sh*t!" I cursed and jumped out after him, with Gabriel at my heels. We ran after Bruce for a couple of streets before we heard the police sirens after us.

"Crap." I said, and dived into a trash can. Gabriel and I waited with baited breaths as the police sirens slowly went away.

"Urghh... I think there's stale fish in here. It stinks like hell." Gabriel grumbled as we climbed out of the rubbish heap.

"Crap. We lost that sucker. The boss ain't gonna be happy." I commented drily as I brushed candy bar wrappers of my sleeves.

"You think?" My partner said sarcastically.

"I'm calling it a night. Report to the boss tomorrow." I grumbled before running towards my house. As I arrived onto my street, I saw that my living room lights were on.

"Crap." I swore under my breath as I went around to the side of the house to evaluate the situation. Climbing onto a nearby tree, I made some calculations and jumped. My hands scraped against the rough bricks as I gripped onto the window panes, and my entire body weight slammed into the wall.

"That hurts like a bitch." I commented as I slithered my way into my dark room to face a shadow standing in the doorway. I crept into a defensive stance before the lights switched on. My mother was revealed, complete with her pink curlers and kitchen spoon tapping impatiently on her hand.

"Where the in the world have you been?" She demanded sternly.

"Out...?" I tried.

"In the middle of the night? Wearing that? And why is there a banana skin on your shoulder?" Mum interrogated.

" dumpster diving?" I lied meekly.

"Dumpster...diving?" She questioned skeptically.

"Yeah...expect there was nothing good in the dumpsters so I came back..." I explained.

"Oh, dear! I'm so proud of you! You're finally being financially aware now! Next time, take your dad with you! He has a torch and a darn good poking stick!" Mum praised, pinching my cheeks fondly.

"Yes, mum." I said slowly, wondering if this was actually happening. Sometimes it was good that my mother was kind of eccentric because it meant that she didn't really question some of my shady actions.

"Now go wash up, ok?" She said, and pranced away.

After taking a shower, I laid in my bed thinking about Riley. Why did she want me to date Madeleine and then dump her? Why? I didn't even know her that well.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, a text pinged from my phone.


Do you have a plan for tomorrow?




Well you better think of one or I'll tell everyone your fear, Spider-Man.




That's my nickname for you from now on, Spider-Man


Don't call me that.


Why not?


Shut up. I'm done with you.


OK, good nite Spider-Man

I couldn't help but feel my lips twitch upwards at that text. That dork, she doesn't even know who I am.



Sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter than usual but...yeah... Anyways, please comment, vote and follow me! I might even give you a shout-out! ;)


Btw, you guys should follow Geniebear654 cuz she's my BFF and is currently working on a really cool story.

SassyRoyal2711 xxx

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