Chapter 15-Biggest hit...on the face

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Song: "Young and a Menace" by Fallout Boy.

A/n: I recently discovered their MANIA album and now I'm in love...



15| Biggest hit...on the face

"THAT'S IT!! I've had it! I'm gonna pick the song now!" Maddy yelled after Liam and I cheerfully sang through half of my 80's playlist without her since she knew NONE of the songs. NONE. ZILCH. ZERO.

"Ok, what do you wanna listen to then?" I turned around in the car seat to meet her determined gaze.

"Cherry Bomb by NCT." She pulled out her phone. Soon enough....

"I'm the biggest hit, biggest hit on the stage!" Madeleine sang croakily, oblivious to the fact that Liam and I were covering our ears in pain. Oh please shut up, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SING!

"I give you the biggest hit, biggest hit ON THE FACE!" I butt in.

"Oi, you can't do that!" Maddy whined angrily. Guess someone is a die-hard NCT fan...

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" I taunted.

"YOU SON OF A-" She shrieked.

"Guys, we're here." Liam interrupted, I looked out the car window and saw the looming skating rink in front of us.

"Ha! Let the games begin! Guess who's gonna be the best a skating?" Maddy sneered, fully knowing that I could not skate to save my own mother's life, let alone my own. The video footage of our sleepover when we were 12 confirmed that I was as clumsy as baby deer on ice. Anyone doing a casting call for Bambi? I'm the perfect candidate, hit me up people!

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at her childish antics and got out of the car.

As we approached the skating rink to rent the equipment, I picked up the pace so that I could pay for myself. Sadly, Liam realised what I was trying to do.

"Not this time." He grinned as he speed-walked past me. I ran to catch up.

"Buzz off, sucker!" I yelled as we approached the renting kiosk.

Almost there, the counter was almost in reach...

"GOTCHA!!!!" Next thing I knew, Liam had slung my over his shoulder and was walking breezily towards the renting shop.

"NOO!!!! You pulled a dirty trick on me! You're just taking advantage of the fact that I'm short. PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled, pounding at his back. I might as well have been hitting a brick wall because Liam didn't even flinch.

"I. Am. Paying." He insisted as we approached the counter.

"Oh! can I help you?" The man behind the desk looked surprised to see some guy carrying a girl on his shoulder.

"3 pairs of ice skates please."

"Oh, and what are the sizes?"

"I'm a size 8. I have very dainty feet,you know." I heard Maddy brag proudly.

"I'm size 11, you Riley?" Liam asked.

"Size 7." I mumbled in defeat.

"LIAR! No way you can fit into size 7!" Madeleine yelled jealously.

"Watch me." I grumbled. Why is shoe size even something to be competing over?

"Alright, they're 15 dollars an hour for the 3 pairs. Are you going to pay now or...?"

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