Chapter 20: Brace Yourself

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Jasmine's POV

I felt like my brain was doing somersaults off the walls in my head and I couldn't comprehend as to why Bradley disappeared right after I asked him for the money to help save my mom, whose condition was critical. He said he would give me the money. He looked sincere enough when I told him about my mother's health.

But he was gone. No phone calls, no texts, no emails. He just upped and left.

It was the beginning of yet another week. I was at my desk arranging the files Mr. Hollen had asked for three hours ago. Putting my emotions aside, I focused on the task at hand.

"Here are the files you asked for," I said as I entered my boss' office and walked up to his desk.

His eyes were locked onto the computer screen in front of him, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Mr. Hollen--"

"Then leave it on the desk and get out!" he said, cutting me off and catching me by surprise.

I took two steps back.

His eyes never left the screen.

I couldn't believe the way he was talking to me now. I knew I must have triggered his anger when I got into the car with Bradley, but the way he was acting now was totally unprofessional and unnecessary.

"Why are you talking to me like this?" I found myself asking him.

No response.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry if I hurt your pride last week by choosing to leave with Bradley."

No response.

"Mr. Hollen? Evan, would you at least look at me?"

His eyes moved off the screen and landed on me, which made me regret asking him to look. His eyes were dark and cold.

"I'm said that I was sor--" I was about to apologize again.

"You're sorry for hurting my pride?" he asked with a weird chuckle.

He laid back in his chair and swirled left then right. A smirk on his face, but the darkness in his eyes never left.



"Why are you so confusing? Sometimes you can be so cold, and then you're heated and shoving your tongue down my throat."

His eyes twinkled. The darkness in them moved away but he was silent, just looking at me.

I turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" he asked, his breath fanned against my neck.

I realized he wasn't in his chair anymore but had cornered me against the door in his office.

"Back... to... my desk," I answered.

"Did I tell you that you can leave?" his minty breath fanned me again.

For some inexpiable reason I was getting turned on by this-- submitting to my master of a boss.

"Actually yes... you... umm... did," I stuttered.

I looked into his eyes. His grey eyes showed a trace of gold around the pupils.

"Okay. Then go back to your desk," he let out but he wasn't stepping aside to free me.

I pushed at his chest, gently. That didn't work.

"Can you please excuse me?" I asked.

He gave me another smirk then stepped back.

I reached for the door knob but was pulled back into something very hard. I closed my eyes as he let out a loud sigh.

"I don't know what you're doing to me, Jasmine Blackman. I can't stay mad at you even if I tried."

I was wrapped in his arms as the back of my head rested on his chest. I felt comfortable, as if I belonged there. Against him. Just like that. My world was becoming perfect.

Then I remembered my mother and the tears came. I made a quick wipe at the tears so they wouldn't fall onto his arms, which were still wrapped around my waist.

He noticed.

He turned me around to face him.

I lowered my head to hide the tears but he tilted my head upwards.

"Why are you crying?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

I wanted to tell him what was really bothering me and eating away at my soul, but I couldn't bring myself to that. I was already disappointed and let down by someone who said that they'd give me the money. I wouldn't be able to handle another disappointment.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, Jasmine. You're crying. Why would you say that you're fine when, clearly, you're not?"

"Can I just please get back to my desk? There're things to get done."

He released his hold on me.

I felt cold suddenly. I was warm all along and now I was cold. I turned on my heels and walked out the door.

I went over to the cabinets and began arranging the files in a neater order to my liking and easier access. I wasn't crying anymore. I didn't want to cry anymore. Tears only cleared the burden on my chest but weren't erasing the cause. I hated crying. I hated having tears fall onto my cheeks and wiping them away.

"You're still not going to tell me what's bothering you?" a voice asked from behind.

I knew it was him.

I turned around and he was right there, looking at me with concern.

"Does it have to do with your mother?" he asked.

The tears came at the mention of my mother.

Damn it! I said I was done crying!

My cellphone rang. I went to fetch it on my desk.

"Hello," I answered.

"Miss Blackman, it's Dr. Shannon from the hospital."

Oh my God! Brace yourself for the unbearable news.


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