Getting Situated

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Jasmine's POV

"Pack my things?" I asked for the second time.

"Did I stutter?" he asked. He turned the car engine off and opened his car door. 

I remained seated. I felt numb.

"Jasmine," he called me as he came around my side. He opened the passenger's door and stood there, waiting for me to get out.

"Why do you want me to move into your house? I'm very comfortable and happy at my own apartment."

"Jasmine, you're having my kid. You've been talking crazy about adoption and abortion. Do you think I'll be comfortable having you away from me with the baby inside you? You're moving into the mansion where I can keep a closer eye on you and the baby."

"But you're at work all the time!"

"Jasmine, I'm not going to fight you on this any longer. Get yourself upstairs and let your sister assist you with packing."

"I don't want to leave my sister and my mother," I protested as the tears came welling up in my eyes.

He ran his fingers through his hair and looked heavenward. He mouthed something to himself and I was certain it was "Lord, give me strength."

I stepped out the car and moved pass him. I went upstairs, slammed the door shut behind me and moved towards my bedroom. Zenia tailed behind.

"Thanks a lot Zenia!" I snapped at her as she came into the bedroom.

"You're welcome."

"You think this is funny? This is my life you're constantly butting into."

"You're honestly sounding like a selfish bitch at this very moment, Jasmine Blackman. What I did, I did it for the life inside of you and I have no regrets for going behind your back and telling Evan THE TRUTH. You're only thinking about yourself and not the baby. You should be damn happy that Evan wants to apart of the baby's life and not throwing you under the bus about Bradley."

She left the room with a frown on her face and I knew she was not about to come back and help me pack.

I packed light, grabbing some clothing and items I'd be needing for a night or two at his place. I tossed everything into a carry-on bag and held it in my hand. I moved towards the living room where Zenia was sitting and looking at the TV. I said nothing more to her. I pushed through the front door and walked back to Evan's car.

He was there, talking to my mother. Big smiles on both their faces and she hugged him as I walked up to them.

"Mom. I'll be moving in with Evan for a little bit," I said in a whimper. I was already defeated and it made no sense fighting Evan on this.

"I'll miss you but I can drop by at anytime and visit you," she replied and gave me a big bear hug.

Evan and I were heading towards his place.

"What about my job?" I asked him, looking over in his direction for his reaction.

"What about it?" he asked, eyes on the road.

"I have to show up for my job or else I'll get fired."

"And you need that job because?"

"Because I need a source of income! Just as you have Hollen Tower for your source of income!"

He chuckled which made me upset. He was taking me as a joke.

"You can kiss that job goodbye," he replied.

The rest of the car ride was in silence but I wasn't about to let him have the last say with matters in my personal life anymore. This was my life! Mine!

Who does Evan Hollen think he is?

We pulled up to his marvelous mansion, which stood on a lust green environment. His place was fenced and security guards roamed the premises. He drove up to the front entrance and stopped for a while to allow a guard to open the doors of, what looked like, a car storage building.

It was designed with a big glass window display and had his initial engraved on it. All his cars were visible. Twenty cars in total. All expensive and looked brand new.

I stood by the main door to his house. He came out of his car garage and walked up to me with a smile on his face and eyeing the carry-on bag in my hands.

"That's all you packed?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm not spending forever here."

He raised his eyebrows in a questioning look.

"I'm only staying one week here. Tops!" I added in quickly.

Evan folded his arms and I rolled my eyes before looking away.

"You wish to test me?" he asked, taking a step closer to me; I didn't shift. He held my head gently to face him. His touch lit the fuse in my body and I felt weak all over again.

Damn you Evan!

"You're not an examination, although you can be as difficult as one. So, yes, I do wish to test you," I answered.

I wanted to test him in the bed again. Every inch of my body was craving for him. His manly scent hit my nostrils and my body was drawing in his heat. My kitty danced and twitched in my underwear as wild thoughts flooded my mind.

He moved away from me and pushed open the double doors. I followed very close behind, containing myself and erasing all the crazy ideas from my head.

Spectacular was an understatement on describing his place. Expensive furniture and paintings decorated a huge white painted living room. A big chandelier hung from the ceiling, and staircases looked like they led to heaven. I was captured by this beauty all over again. I didn't admire the mansion this much the last time I was here.

The maids were about doing their duties. A delicious scent came around and I immediately got hungry.


I remembered Evan's room being upstairs, and it was the biggest room in the house. I turned to the direction he was standing, but he had already disappeared, so I took it on my own and went upstairs. I moved left then right then took another left and got lost. I retraced my steps and went right then took a left and found myself in his  master bedroom. I flung myself down onto the bed and snuggled up to the pillows. Freshly cleaned sheets were the best and the scent of his bedroom was so enticing and comforting.

I could definitely get use to this.

I placed my bag on a center table and went to use his bathroom. I was peeing a lot lately.

"JASMINE!" I heard his voice calling my name.

"I'm in here!" I called back. I flushed, washed my hands, towel dried them and went back into the bedroom. 

He was standing there, folded arms and an impatient tapping  foot. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"I was... umm... I was getting situated," I stuttered.

"Get situated in your own bedroom... which is downstairs." He pointed downwards.

Of course!



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