Chapter 6

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I sent a lackey to get vodka after perusing the bar downstairs. I took a tug og whiskey and could have vomited. Whiskey had a bitter nasty taste to me. I coughed until I felt only the whiskey surface from my stomach. My insides had already pulled the blood from my stomach and sucked it into my system. The whiskey, however, came back up.

"Get me vodka, now!" The words came out in a snarl when I caught a lacky by the collar. The poor boys face went whiter than a sheet.

"Yes, Agent Moon. Yes ma'am." I let the boy go and he sputtered backward trying to get away from me.

"Bring it to my office. Get lots of it!" My voice stopped him about three yards away and he looked at me still terrified.

"Yes ma'am," he said trying to keep his voice level. after that he ran out the door.

When he was gone I shoved about six viles of blood into each of my pockets that Max had stashed for me incase of an emergency. I trudged my way back up to my office after that.

I grabbed Mason Fae's file off the pull out mattress and decided to study him.

He graduated from his police academy with honors. That was impressive. His file said he was the best at figuring his opponent. He went to Brown University and graduated as valedictorian of his class. He worked for the FBI for two years but was fired when his boss found out he was hosting his targets. He was fired the same year I was hired. He had my office. Max had been his boss.

Max. The thought of his very name conjured the taste of his exquisite blood in my mouth. So satisfying; so hot. I bit my lip. I closed my eyes and relished in the memory of taking from him. How he groaned when my fangs penetrated his skin and how he latched himself onto me as I drew his blood into myself.

His blood was exquisite. I didn't care how or why but his blood was so . . . .so good. I felt my insides stir at the memory. Swoon. His blood was making me swoon. I didn't care how ecstatic his blood made me though. I refused to have another taste. Mas was poison now. I wanted to . . .to . . .taste more.

I slammed my fist down on the table, angrily. There was a dent left behind when I took my hand away. How could I swoon over Max's blood? How could I let myself after . . .after what he gave me no choice to do. I was so angry I felt my fangs make another surprise appearance, and when the boy came into my office I felt him staring at me before I met eyes with him.

I quickly covered my mouth and put my fangs away. "Sorry," I said curtly and looked away from him.

"No, wait," he said in awe. "Can you bring them back out?"

"Yes, why?" I was confused. I watched the young lackey as he sat the liquor down by the door and slowly crossed the room.

"I want to see them." He was very to the point about this. I respected that though it confused me. Most humans were at least a bit emberrassed about their curiosity.

"I thought you were scared of me," I said suspiciously.

He shook his head. "Only because I thought you were about to kill me." I genuinely laughed at this and shook my head. I liked this kid.

"That's only because I thought I was going to die, myself."

He laughs too. "Yeah, that whiskey Max keeps around isn't all that great. The stuff my grandpa used to make though was incredible. I'm not much of a drinker though. Only had the stuff at big events like Christmas."

"I like you, kid." When I say this he smiles at me and I smile back. I have a feeling I just made a friend. "Get me a bottle and pull up a chair, why don't you?" He does as I ask and brings a chair from the other side of my desk to sit by me. Just before he sists he puts the bottle of vodka down on my desk right in front of me. Smart kid.

"So you want to see my fangs," I say after I take a tug of the vodka. I feel warmth spread throughout my body but no thirst or heaviness in my belly. I'm glad. I don't want to hurt my new friend.

"Yes," he says eagerly.

"Okay," I say take a sip of vodka. "Tell me your name."

"Ian Smith," he says, "Now show them to me."

I burst into laughter. I'm holding my ribs by habbit - because it doesn't hurt - but it should. "Ian Smith? After the prime minister? No kid, what's your real name?"

"That's it," he grins. "My dad named me after him. Although mine's not as funny as yours, Miss Moon. You being named after an old television show and whatnot."

I know the one he means but he's wrong. "All right kid, I'll show you my fangs. But that's not who I was named after."

"Who then?" He sits back in his chair waiting for me to answer. "Showing your fangs can wait."

I sigh, because I've only ever told two people about this. Marcus and Grey. My face falls slack. I miss them terribly. I chug half the bottle of vodka.

"I was named after Mario Andretti. The race car driver from Italy. He won a lot of races. The Daytona 500, The Indianapolis 500, and the Grand Prix world driving championship. My mother hadn't named me before she'd given me to the hospital so the male nurse who took care of me did it for her. He came to visit me a lot in the orfanage before he was killed in a bad car accident. It's ironic when you consider how much he was into NASCAR."

This brings Ian to a dead silence. After a long moment he says,"I'm sorry Agent Moon. I didn't know about any of that."

I shrug. "None of it's your fault kid. You don't have to apologize." I look at his distraught face and remember that must have been how I looked yesterday. "Are you ready to see my fangs now?" Ian perked up right away.

"Sure," he grinned and leaned forward.

I leaned forward too, toward Ian and when he was an inch away from my face I let my fangs out.

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