Chapter 4

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Chapter Four 

That night I stayed with Grey I woke up screaming from nightmares and after I yanked my clothes back on I left his apartment in tears. He begged me not to leave but I had to go. I could stand to be around him in such a wreck and I needed alcohol. I needed to be filled with a pain that would make me forget that I had to kill one of my own kind. I wanted to be human and get so drunk I wouldn't even remember my own reflection. I envied them in that they could berry all their problems in a bottle. I wanted to do the same now.

I haled a cab and made a stop at the closest liquor store, then went strait back to FBI head quarters. There was a pull-out in my office and I went strait to it once I had the file on the vampire in my hands. An assassin, like myself. Only he worked for no government. His name is Mason Faye and he is almost exactly like me. He gets blood from viles, drinks when he makes a kill, and his job is his main priority. He's six-feet-three-inches tall, has blue-green eyes and long blonde hair that hangs just past his ears in an interesting cut. He's gorgeous. How lucky am I? I felt like punching his picture;throwing it across the room and letting the papers scatter over the light grey carpet floor of my office.

I put the file at the corner of the pull-out mattress and grabbed the bottle of vodka off the in-table, where I'd put it when I came in. I wrestled with the cap until I got it off the bottle then threw it blindly across the room. I'd pick it up once I had forgotten I was angry with it.

 "Stupid cap," I grumbled and rolled onto my side. "Stupid vampire," I said taking a drink as I glared at his file. I hated him. Why did he have to take this job? I took a gulp. I hated Mason Faye with a passion, but I didn't want to kill him. But I had to. I took another gulp of the vodka.

I decided it was all his fault. Gulp. It was his fault for causing my emotional breakdown. He made me cry. He brought me to Marcus. Gulp. He was the reason I screamed; why I tripped. He was the reason I cried against Marcus’s chest for hours. Gulp. Mason was the cause of my need to know how to kill my own kind. Gulp. He was the reason why Mark had put up a wall between us to keep me distant. Gulp-gulp-gulp.

Mason drove me to Grey. Gulp. He drove me to drink. Gulp-gulp.

"I don't want . . .to kill you," I say as I eye his photo from across the bed. He glared at me from the view of a security camera. Gulp. His long blonde hair was thrown down around his eye to put them in shadow. He looked dangerous and sexy. Made me sick to look at him. I stared him down anyway. He wasn't going to break me. I wouldn't let him. Not just his mere image; I wouldn't let that make me fall to pieces. Not again. I'd polish off this bottle before I'd let myself cry again.

Idiot, I thought at his picture. He simply glared back at me with those blue-green eyes shaded under his hair and thick dark lashes. He was so gorgeous. Why are you so stupid?  Gulp.  You knew there would be consequences, didn't you? Gulp. You want to die! You want me to kill you! Gulp.  You suicidal son of a . . . . GulpStupid vampire.Gulp . Stupid-stupid vampire! Gulp.

My throat was in flames but I didn't care. I was hurting. I was being ripped from the only two people I really cared about. Mark and Grey were my life. I didn't have any family. My parents died before I could remember what they looked like or learned their names. I grew up in an orphanage me whole life. I was halfway through college when I found Mark and then I went to Police Academy not long after that. My lover and my maker were the only people I had left in my life.

Who am I kidding? I have no life.  Gulp.

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