Chapter 6

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When Tristan got back to his room, he slammed the door so hard that it cracked at the hinges.  He took in a deep breath as his back rested against the door.  When he opened his eyes, he noticed his best friend waiting for him on the couch with a smug look on his face.  He was always trying to irritate him.

"What is that?!" Tristan screamed, rage apparent on his face.  His eyes turned black and his face looked animalistic.  He stalked towards Julian.

Julian held back a laugh and teased, "What are you talking about?"

"Julian, you know damn well what I'm talking about!"  Tristan threw his hands up in the air.

"There you go accusing me of being a troublemaker again."  Julian put his right hand to his chest and gave Tristan a wounded look. "That really hurts my feelings, brother."

Tristan's eyes darkened. "Her!  That girl!"

"I'm glad you can tell the difference in gender." Julian smirked, trying to poke fun at the angry vampire.

Using his super speed, Tristan pinned Julian by his neck against the wall, cracking the stone.  His face was only a couple inches from Julian's, and his fangs peeked out from under his lip.  He wasn't in the mood for games today.

"Quit playing games.  Why did you bring that human here?! It's against the law!" He said in a threatening, low voice.  Humans weren't supposed to know of their existence.

Even though he was being choked against a wall, Julian was calm.  He was actually enjoying getting a rise out of his best friend, and his plan worked.  Tristan wasn't just mad, he was curious.  Although he was having fun, he knew he had to stop messing around or the Prince wouldn't take this seriously.

"Alright.  No more getting a rise out of you.  Now put me down," Julian managed to sputter out.

Tristan continued to hold Julian against the wall, staring into his best friend's eyes, searching for truth to his words before letting go.  Blackness finally faded to blue once again, and he moved to his couch.

"Good," he finally responded.  "You're going to fix my wall by the way." He motioned his head at the wreckage.  Pieces of stone crumbled to the ground, leaving a large hole.

Julian shook his head while laughing and stated, "Of course, but we have more important matters than a wall you broke."

He walked to the leather arm chair and dusted off his grey suit before taking a seat.  Making himself comfortable, he leaned back and crossed his leg over his knee.

With a roll of his eyes, Tristan demanded, "Why did you bring that girl here?"

"Why are you so mad about me bringing that girl here?"

"Just answer the question Julian," he snapped, pinching the bridge of his nose.  The thought of that girl and how it felt to be in the room with her was threatening his control.

"I was just curious.  Geez.  Well, it's a funny story actually.  I was about forty miles south of the castle, minding my own business when I smelled the most divine blood I have ever smelled.  The smell led me to this tiny girl in a weird, white jumpsuit, which is strange by the way.  The funny thing is that I would never have known she was there if it wasn't for the small cut on her foot," he reminisced as Tristan rolled his eyes again.

"Wait, what were you doing so far from the castle in the forest?" Tristan asked, getting off topic.

"Not important." Julian flicked his wrist.  "Anyways, I thought of how lucky I was to come across a fresh meal in a place like that, especially since we've been on blood bags for so long. I decided to have a little fun and play around.  She got scared and booked it.  The poor girl thought she could get away from me. She, of course, didn't.  She tripped and fell, making herself pass out.  I was about to go in for the kill...". Julian stopped talking and looked at Tristan with mischievous eyes.  His smile grew.

"Then what, Julian?" Tristan asked annoyed, knowing Julian was try to still get a rise out of him.  "Get on with it."

Julian sighed.  Julian's face grew more serious as his smile faded. "Then I touched her."

The Prince's brows furrowed and he leaned forward. "You saw her future?"

"No.  I saw the past."

"So, you saw a little of this girl's life.  So what?" He dismissed Julian's seriousness.

"No, I saw yours and Eretria's," he replied in a softer voice with his face void of emotion. He averted his gaze, rightfully so.

Tristan's eyes turned black once again and his fangs extended.  Anger radiated from his body as he suddenly towered over his friend.

"How dare you speak her name?!  Speak this nonsense?!" His words were laced with venom.  No one was allowed to talk about her or say her name in his presence.

"Listen.  I knew you would react this way, but you have to hear me out.  I thought it was strange, but then I saw you from yesterday when we were in the garden," Julian explained.  "Remember when I told you the story of how I fell into the fountain trying to impress one of the daughters of a council member, and then when you turned the corner you froze?  You acted as if you saw something and were speaking to yourself.  You said, 'Who are you?' I tried to figure out what you were doing because let's be honest, it was weird.  Well, I saw her there with you.  She was standing before you holding—"

"A forget-me-not flower," Tristan interrupted before turning to face away from Julian.  He stuck his hand in his pocket and touched the petal of the flower that he stowed away earlier.

"Yes, the same flower I saw you pick up off the ground.  That's when I understood what you were doing.  You saw her.  You saw the girl in the hospital bed, but she wasn't physically there," he concluded.

Tristan was silent for a few moments and eerily still.  While the Prince stood there, Julian tapped his fingers on the leather arm of the chair.  When he finally turned back around, Tristan's eyes locked with Julian's.  There was a raging storm in his eyes.

"Get out," Tristan ordered with an even tone.  His muscles were tense as he fought for control.

"Tristan, do you understand what this could mean?"  Julian stood, knowing there was something special about beautiful girl in the infirmary.

"I ordered you to leave.  Don't make me ask again," his tone darkened as he turned away.  He didn't want to hear anymore.  It hurt too much.

Julian looked into his best friend's eyes and knew what he was thinking.  He could read his mind, after all, and in his mind was a storm of emotions, a battlefield.  Not wasting another second, he disappeared out of the room, leaving a very angry Prince alone to his own thoughts. He didn't know what it meant, but he didn't want to feel that feeling again.  That human needed to leave.

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