Chapter 16

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Our shared breaths brought me to the reality that our lips were only centimeters away from each other. His mouth parted as if he was going to say something, but no words came out. I felt as if I were to move ever so slightly, our lips would brush. The smell of fresh pine and a hint of peppermint engulfed my senses as his gaze bounced between my eyes and my lips. He lightly exhaled, fanning my face, and his aqua eyes bore into mine as if to challenge me; he was daring me to kiss him.

A raging war commenced between my mind and heart, but ultimately my heart came out the winner as my head subliminally inched closer to his. The electric sensation became unbearable, and when our lips almost touched, there was a knock at the door, shattering the magnetic pull.

Tristan was instantly across the room.  "Yes?" Tristan stated in an irritated tone.

An older man in a suit came in and bowed.  "Prince Tristan, your father has requested your presence in his office. He says it's of important matters."

If looks could kill, the butler would be dead.  "I'll be there in a few, Henry. Thank you," he spoke in an even tone, though his eyes were icy.

Henry left us alone in the room, and the awkward silence told me that it was my cue to leave. As I stood up and began walking to the door, Tristan grabbed my wrist and faced me towards him.

"Where are you going?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"I was going back to my room." His intense stare made me flustered.

Tristan gave me a leering grin.  "No you aren't.  You're staying in my room tonight."

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I am?"  My voice came out shrill, but I quickly composed myself.  "Uh, I mean why?"

He spoke softer in a suggestive tone, "Because I don't like how Collin was eyeing you earlier, and there's a bunch of vampires downstairs that aren't happy about you being here. So, you are staying here tonight." When I just stood there, wide-eyed, he spoke again, "Don't worry, I don't bite."

Yeah, because I was worried about that.

I was surprised that he would want me to spend the night in his room after how he's been to me since I arrived.

My heart fluttered at the thought of being in the same bed as him. I silently thanked the universe that he couldn't read minds like Julian, but then fear suddenly overcame my body as I realized that I didn't know that for sure. I didn't even know what he was capable of. My eyes snapped up to his face after I noticed he was waiting for a response, but my many thoughts kept me from answering.

His voice cut through the silence again.  "Hard."

Oh my.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and I held my breath as Tristan whispered into my ear, "I'll be back soon."  He then shut the door behind him, leaving me dumbfounded and alone in his room.

Was he flirting with me?

I wouldn't know because I've been locked up since I hit puberty. Being in a state hospital doesn't really give you the experience you need for social interactions, and I wasn't good with them to begin with.  I mentally face-palmed myself for probably looking like an idiot.

He probably thinks there's something wrong with me.

Why do I care?

I don't care...


I couldn't stop over-thinking everything.  Being in that place for a majority of my teen years, I never had to think about or deal with boys. I was just focused on getting through the day without seeing a syringe. The concept was so new...and terrifying.

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