Part 6.

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Miller's phone vibrated on his bedside table in the dead of the night. He ignored it and turn in his bed. Finding a more comfortable position to fall back to sleep. The caller however wasn't going to let him have a peaceful night.  

Letting out a groan. Miller took up his phone. Still half asleep he said. "What do you want Eric? Its late for gods sake. I want to sleep."

"When I call once I expect for you to pick up." the voice at the other end startled him. How the hell did Carl get his phone number?

Miller shot up from the comfort of his bed. He moved the phone from his ears. Looking at the number for no good reason. He pressed the device against his ears. "I was sleeping what did you expect"

Miller rubbed his eyes tiredly. Yawning loudly in the man's ear just to torment him. "As my assistant you aren't allowed to sleep."

Miller rolled his eyes. On what grounds is he not allowed to sleep. "What do you want?" Miller fluffed his pillow getting ready to snuggle back into the warmth and comfort of his bed.

"I sent you an address. Be there in thirty minutes," Carl ordered

Was this legal. He was clearly off the job. There was no reason for him to listen to such a ridiculous request. "Its not work hours," Miller said, getting ready to end the phone call.

"Should I add another zero?" Carl threatened. Feeling satisfied with Miller's silence he said, "I thought so."

Miller sluggishly got out of bed.

I'll find his weakness if its the last thing I do.

Throwing on a shirt and coat. Miller fumbled around the apartment looking for his boots. Finally finding them, he went out in the cold morning air. It was only five thirty. What could be so important that the man had the audacity to interrupt his sleep.

Following the texted address. Miller pulled up in front of a large mansion. You couldn't expect anything less from a CEO. Driving around the centered fountain. Miller safely parked.

"This better be important." he muttered before knocking on the door.

Carl opened seconds later. The muscular man was dress in normal sweats and a Tee. Though it was early the morning, Carl was having a drink. "Come in," he said in a low tone. The smell of alcohol emitting from his breath. 

Miller slowly stepped inside and was even more impressed. A large chandelier danged in the center of the room with its impressive lights. A two way spiral stairs led upstairs. The interior was vintage. For a man such as Carl, the place was as clean as a whistle.

"What did you call me for?" Miller wanted to get straight to the point so he could go home.

Carl instead walked pass the man. Using his index finger to to tell him to follow him. Following suit, Miller came to a miniature bar. "Have a drink with me" Carl said.

"I don't drink." Miller lied. All he wanted to do was get out of there as soon as possible.

Carl continued to pour himself a glass and an extra on for Miller. Handing the glass to Miller which he took but wouldn't dare to take a sip of. Carl then signal for the man to sit. Miller did as he was told like an obedient dog.

"What do you want?" Miller asked again.

"There's no need to rush." Carl said, swirling the liquid in the glass.

Irritated as he is Miller furiously slammed the glass on the table. Ready to leave he got to his feet.

"Don't be so hasty," Carl placed his glass down. "I called you here to inform you of something."

Miller ceased his movements , turning to face the half drunken man. "What?"

"You will no longer be my assistant at work" Miller felt a faint spark of happiness that was soon crushed by Carl's next sentence. "You'll work for me here too."

Miller bit his bottom lip from anger. He could taste the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. "If you want a butler, hire one."

"I'm hiring you," Carl replied. "If you refuse there's always you having to pay for my car."

There he goes again. Using the thin thread hanging over Miller's head as a way of threatening him. Internally Miller screamed, screw him and his stupid extortionist ways.

"I'm not being your butler." Miller finalized. 

Carl didn't say anything as he watched Miller's retreating back out the door. Miller wanted to scream into the early morning. Just how much more was he going to torment him until he was satisfied. Miller needed to get on with his plot of revenge and fast.

Just by his window. Carl gave his signature mischievous smile  as he watched an angry and tired Miller drove out his driveway. He took out his phone to make a very important call.


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