Part 15.

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"I need you to help me with something" Miller said to Eric.
"Not even a good morning" Eric said dryly as he placed his phone down.

Miller sat on Eric's desk once more. Not caring that his face would lay on it when he was tired. Eric spun on his chair waiting for Miller to make his request. "So?" Eric said. This conversation had better be important.

"Remember that guy from the cafe" Miller said. Eric raised himself from his seat, suddenly interested in the conversation. "The one who wanted to meet the stupid CEO"

"Yeah I remember him" Eric smiled.

"Keep your hormones in check" Miller swatted him on his shoulders. He knew his friend was lusting after Cameron from day one.

"They are in check" Eric assured his friend. "At least for now"

"Enough about hormones" Miller said, the conversation was going in the wrong direction. "I need to talk to him. Ask him about Carl"

"I'm not helping you pick up dirt on Carl" Eric pointed an accusing finger at Miller. "And I'm not using that guy. You thought I didn't see him running out the building in tears" Eric frowned. "You're evil"

Miller gaped. "That was all Carl's fault" Maybe it was a bit of both parties. If Miller had refused to let him meet Carl, then no tears would be falling. Miller was also placing most of the blame on Carl. He was the true evil one. "So are you going to help me or not"

Eric sighed ruffling his dark curls. It was too early to be dealing with anything stressful. "Why do you need him anyways?"

Miller looked around, closing in on Eric. "He really pissed off Carl. Like really pissed him off. Now he's all depressed and locked himself in his office"

Eric knitted his brow together. "Are you worried about him"

"I'm not--" Miller rose from his seat almost yelling before he settled himself back down. "I'm not worried about him. I just want to know their relationship is. What about Cameron that pisses him off"

There was no way Miller would be worried for Carl. Yes, he had a few moments where he felt sorry for the man, even cared for him. That didn't mean he forgave Carl, he was still the enemy and so was Paris.

"Cameron" Eric said as if he tasted something sweet in his mouth. "You knew his name and didn't tell me" Miller hit him atop his head. That was beside the point. "Okay" Eric raised his hands in defense. "All this..." He referred to the current situation. "Just makes you sound like you're worried" he shrugged.

Again, Miller wasn't worried. Scoping out the enemy, that's what he was doing. "Eric, do you wish to see another day" Miller gave a villainous smile, living up to his image.

"I can't help you" Eric replied honestly. He didn't know how to find Cameron in the first place. It wasn't like they were friends on social media or that he had his number where he could just call him and say. "Hey my friend wants you to be apart of his vengeful plan". It wasn't that easy.

"Even if I could help, I can't contact him"

"Find someone who can" Miller wasn't seeing the difficulty of the request he placed on his friend. "You know his first name that should be enough"

Eric sighed. There was no way to try talking him out of it. Miller would just continue until he persuaded Eric. That is what years of friendship teaches you. "Fine" Eric said half heartily.

Miller tussled Eric's hair then glanced at his phone. "This is why we make a great team" the duo had caused quite the ruckus in their youthful years. This was just getting a taste of troublesome youth again.

Miller caught a glimpse of a donut box. Looking back at Eric, he couldn't believe his friend got donuts and didn't even share with him. "I'm taking this " Miller took up the box, opening it to see a few left.

"That's my breakfast" Eric tried grabbing the box from Miller. "You wake up to expensive breakfast. Let me enjoy my cheap one" if only that was true.

Miller was too busy dragging Carl out of the house to even have breakfast. Surprisingly he learnt that Carl could be lazy. "Bye Eric" Miller waved over his shoulder, ignoring what he said.

First he came and make an unsightly request now he took his breakfast. Eric had quite the friend.

Miller pressed the sixth floor on the elevator. Tapping his feet as he waited. Carl had locked him out yet again. He didn't have a cubicle anymore and his new office wasn't going to cut it. If he had to knock the doors off then that he shall do. The elevator doors opened and Miller saw a woman standing before Carl's office. She smiled in relief as she saw Miller.

"Thank goodness" she said. "You're Mr. Edwin new assistant right?" Miller nodded. "Can you give this to him" she shoved a few papers in his direction. "He won't open the door"

Miller took the stack of papers. The least Carl could do was push aside his personal problems and do his job. He owned the company for goodness sakes. Miller used his elbow to knock on the door. Still no answer. He was about to kick it when he heard talking from inside.

Placing everything in one hand. The papers tucked in the crease of his elbow and the donut box on top. Fiddling with the door knob, Miller realised it was open.

"You have a job at least do it you --" He stopped at the sight of who was in the room.

Before him stood Paris. She was stunning as always. The conversation ended as they both turned to look at him. Carl braced himself on the front of his desk, hands in his pocket. Paris stood before him, her hand on his shoulder as the other caress his cheek. The scene made Miller once again realized what he had lost. It didn't seem so bad after all that Carl was drowning in miseries in his office before. Now he didn't look half bad like before.

"I should get going now" Paris said, kissing Carl. Making sure Miller got full view of the action.

She walked over to Miller. "I haven't seen you in a while, my dear friend Miller" she leaned in for a hug which Miller wanted to reject with all his might. "Whatever scheme you're up to, stop" she whispered into Miller's ear. Pulling away, she gave a fake smile then left. 

"Don't enter unless I tell you to" Carl retreated behind his desk. "This is my office don't act like it's yours"

Miller walked over to his desk, placing the papers in front of him. "Some lady told me to give you this" he kept the donuts in hand. It was best to give these back to Eric. No one was going to eat these sprinkled covered ones anyways.

Carl was shock that the man didn't have a witty comeback. "He shuts up " Carl chuckled. 

"I'll be on the fourth floor" Miller said. His mood was sour and seeing Carl's face wasn't going to help. He closed the door behind him, leaving Carl with curious expression.

"No fun" Carl muttered as he watched the doors closed.


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