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"The search for missing seven year old Cindy Miller is still on going. No leads have come up yet, along with no evidence as to where the abducted girl could be. Neighbours and police are baffled, as they say no crimes happen here in Tompton. Cindy Miller was last seen two weeks ago today, on March 13th while walking to school. If anyone has any information about this little girl, they are advised to contact the Tompton police," the news lady spoke on the television as Stephanie Mantler finished the last of her breakfast rather quickly.
"Still can't believe they haven't found anything. That poor family, they must be going wild," Amy Mantler, Stephanie's mother said in a down tone as she picked up another dish to dry off. Stephanie watched as her mother tried to keep busy, avoiding eye contact with her daughter of eighteen. These weeks had been somewhat hard on her mother, for reasons she wasn't quite sure on. She had tried to ask her about it the week before, but her mother only brushed it off as just being able to 'feel' for that family, and not wanting to think of the same thing happening to her.

This was huge news in their town recently, since bad things rarely happened in their tiny, boring town which held a population of 1,254. The only news was who split up with who, which business was closing down or opening, and who just added a new addition to their family. Nothing at all exciting, to most people around. But the thing was in this town, when anything happened, no matter big or small, everyone would know. Gossip, rumours, whispers went around and spread like fire; real fast. Never ending. Many liked to stick their noses in each other's business, even if they didn't belong. Know one kept to themselves, 'what was the fun in that' people would think, with that thought multiplying. Over and over again.

The searches in the town started every morning at nine o'clock and went till three in the afternoon. Some newbie's who started looking, along with others who had done it before. There was no giving up, for the boarders of their town were surrounded by forests. Miles and miles of forests, trees, wood. Police pulled out their radar, and a bunch brought in the dogs. A few of many breeds, but the common type were bloodhounds. They walked and sniffed almost half of the forests, but still, they turned up nothing. No sight, no smell of the little girl. But it would not stay that way for long.

Steph checked her watch quickly, realizing the time it was then.
10:48 am.
I start at 11. I gotta hurry.
"K, I'll see you later Mum," Stephanie shouted as she was about to leave through the front door.
"Alright, see you later. Have a good time at work! Love you!" Her mother shouted back from the kitchen as she just finished the dishes. With one single click of the door, she locked up and went on her way.

She tried not to drag her feet as she stepped down the road that lead to her work. The roads in their town were brutal. They had been uneven for the longest time, causing people to always be off balanced. It became worse if you dragged your feet, you always ending up falling. Falling in potholes or cracks that would scrape up your limbs more and cause cuts. Cuts that would eventually heal over and become scars, but those scars would soon be cut on top again, with the simple swipe of cracks on those old roads.

Steph worked at a small pet store, just down the street from their place. There was not a lot of jobs around their part of town, the side where stores were held and stood but not a very wide selection. The more appealing stores, like the ones that owned and sold clothing or music, they were on the other side of town. Steph would have much rather worked over there, but without a car, or a license it would be difficult to get there in time. She relied on her mother taking her to those places, since they were a far walk away. Not too far at that, but far enough. Steph enjoyed walking, or sometimes riding her bike; since there was always nice weather swirling around out of their houses. She was never in any hurry to obtain her license, since she did drive around somewhat, but thought that any place she would like to go she could walk there in time. And she was very good at time.

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