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  She followed him out of her room, with him turning around every little step, making sure she didn't try to run. But she did not, not at first. As they both exited her room, her captive room, the musky air cleared as they stepped towards the living room. The room she was kept in belonged to a hallway, which wasn't very long. As they took a few steps down the hall, they turned to their rights, where a living room laid. The furniture appeared to be rather old and worn out, but still stood. The tables all consisting of wood. Go figure. The living room was bigger than she expected, for the cabin was bigger as well. A warm fireplace with bricks stacked was attached to the wall, a little ways away from the furniture. Right beside the living room, laid the kitchen, a rather new kitchen at that. The stove looking like it had just been updated maybe a few years back. The fridge being in full working condition. He must live here. He has to. This isn't just a seasonal cabin or a hunting cabin like I first thought, it looks too roomy and cozy. It's too new and neat. He must live here. Why would he have all of this furniture, rooms and a kitchen if it was only a shack? Thoughts exploded and popped into her head, taking in her surroundings as they neared the door. The door was positioned in the living room, directly across from the kitchen. The living room had a few windows, but none had bars like the one in her room. They were placed neatly with the glass squares and light curtains hanging down. And then, close by the fireplace, laid another wooden door. The knob being the same as the rest of the house. What room is that? His room? No, his room is close to mine. Perhaps a basement? But what kind of cabin had a basement?

  All the walls in the cabin consisted of the logged wood, making it seem much darker than it was with most of the lamps being turned off. Only two were lit, one being in the hallway and the other in the living room, but it was a rather bright light; lighting up almost all the kitchen and living room. The fireplace did not roar, for it was not going and no fire was set inside. But the heat still radiated from it, indicating it had been on not too long ago.

  She followed him closer towards the door, just waiting for the moment when he opened it and she could just run. Run away from that place. But why did he bring me out? Is this it? Is this where he kills me? Is this when he kills me? Oh no. Oh NO! That's why he's letting me out! He's going to kill me! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my GOD! I knew it! He isn't nice or good at all! He was playing it the whole time! He's going to kill me! He's going to kill me outside and then bury me! Or maybe even bury me alive! This is it! THIS IS IT!

  "S-stay here for a minute, Alright? I just have to grab something from the kitchen," he spoke to her through his mask as he went towards the direction of the kitchen. Her palms began to sweat and clam as he disappeared from her eyes, and then wondered back onto the door. No lock was covering it, it was open. Alright, this is it. You could run now. Just go towards the door and burst it up! Run right through it! Do it! Do it now Steph! While you still can! DO! IT! NOW!
She stepped closer towards the door, trying not to make a sound.
Alright, just creep towards it, and then fly through it.
One step after another, she tip-toed towards the wooden door that possessed a knob handle as well. She zoned out of everything else, and just focused on her mission, to get out of that cabin.
Ok, good, you're getting closer. Just keep it quiet and steady. You can do this. You can do this. Almost there!

A strong force shoved her against the wall as it came out of no where. It was him. He turned her towards him as he took out his gun again. He pressed it against her temple hard, as his harsh, deadly, beaty eyes looked down upon her, right into hers. She remained there in shock as to what just happened. Her feeling powerless between him, as he continued to press her against the wall and kept the gun firm in his hand. "What. Did. I. Tell. You. The. First. Day?!" He spoke in another harsh and angry tone, bringing her back to the day where he slammed her head against the wall. He pressed the gun harder into her head, pushing it in more until she yelped. "You listen to me. I will, with no doubt, shoot a bullet through your head. Do. You. Understand. Me?!" He spoke through clenched and angry teeth, as he let go of his grip around her and then slammed her against the wall again. She cried once more, tears coming to her eyes as she tried to keep a brave face on.
Steph, stop! Stop acting like a helpless little girl! Stand up to him!
One part of her brain told her.
No! Don't listen to her! Tell him you understand! Tell him! Do you want to get killed?!
The other part jumped right in and shouted back. The two sides of her mind going against each other, fighting for both sides.
If he was going to kill you he would have done it by now. Prove to him you are not a scared, little child! You know self defence! Do it now! The door is wide open! Kick him or punch him, or do whatever you have to to get away. Punch him and then run straight out the door! Do it!
But Steph just stood there blankly, frozen, not knowing which side to choose. She looked straight into his eyes, waiting for some reaction of his. And right as she didn't answer him, his grip loosened as he glanced over at his gun. "You know, if you won't listen...." he dragged off before he continued in his eerie and creepy tone. "Then maybe your mother will. She's a real sweet thing, isn't she? What's her name again, Amy?" He smirked a bit as he looked back in Steph's eyes, seeing the horror and sheer terror starting to spark in then. Her heart began to race even more, just thinking about her mother getting hurt. Hurt by him.
How did he know.....
Her thoughts began to trail off as another thought barged into her mind.
He was stalking my mum too?!

"No! You just leave her alone!" She screamed back at him as she pushed him back a bit, using her strength she thought she lost the minute she was brought into that cabin. He smiled, a sickly smile at her reaction, wanting to see more.
"Then you better listen to me Stephanie! And you better listen good! Or I will kill you, and that pretty mother of yours too!" He spoke back, returning to that low harsh voice as he pushed her against the wall again. But she only stared at him then, no nod or anything. He kept her there for another second, before he released her from his grip and walked towards the door again, holding onto her arm tightly this time. He opened the door, letting a large
creek sound escape from it. The door had not been locked.

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