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Frost's p.o.v

    Chapter Twenty-six: IT'S GOING TO BITE MY FACE

"I can't do it!"

"Frost just put the cookies in the oven. It's really simple."

"What if I burn myself?"

"You have like, twenty pairs of oven mitts on. You'll be fine."

"Then why don't you do it, Nailia."

"Okay while you girls figure it out," mom says while taking her apron off, "I'm going to go talk with Neo for a minute."

I practically throw the cookie tray on Nailia. "You put it in!"

She rolls her eyes and easily puts them in the oven. "Wimp."

"I could have died."


"Hey! Tell me where the hell is a nearby Taco Bell!" I grab a girl by the shoulder. She turns around, and her face looks just like Nova.

"Gee lady. Get that fixed," I say to her before walking away.

"Hey, you-"

"Hey Frost... can you get up?" A voice interrupts my wonderful dream.

I want Taco Bell now.

"I don't know. Can I?" I ask as I force my eyes open. Neo and Nailia stand at my door, fully dressed with backpacks. "What is this?"

Nailia raises one of her perfect, filled in eyebrows, "We're going to the zoo."

I want those eyebrows. I should ask her to do them for me. Every time I do my eyebrows, they end up looking like someone glued to two big slugs.

"And how does that involve me?" I question while wrapping myself in a burrito.

All I want to do is sleep. Like, making those cookies last night was so exhausting. And then August kept crying in the middle of the night.

"Because your mom wants us to spend time with Neo," Nailia responds and smacks my butt.

I screech and fall out of my warm, and comfortable bed. "My buttcheeks!"

"We will wait for you downstairs, I made us all breakfast smoothies." Neo chuckles while leaving. I rub my booty before pulling myself up.

I go to my window and open the curtains only to see Nova staring at me. I stand there, my eyes slightly wide.

I watch as his eyes travel down my body, and I look down. I have on a tight tank top that goes above my belly button, and really short shorts.

I immediately close the curtains, the blush crawling up my neck. Mister doesn't deserve to see this hot bod!

I slap my face multiple times, trying to knock some sense into me. Once I slapped myself enough times, I walked over to my closet, and pull out my black leggings, and my light blue 'Killin It' shirt. I put on my shoes, and put my hair in a bun.

I trot downstairs. Nailia is flipping through some animal magazine, and Neo is putting August in one of those carriers you strap to yourself. Mom is running on the treadmill, and dad is passed out.

I didn't even know we owned a treadmill. I mean, I'm never going to use it anyways.

I can barely even walk without sweating.

"Mom what are you doing?" I ask mom while pulling on my jacket.

"Losing this weight I gained while I was preggers," she explains breathlessly.

You're So Annoying ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें