CHAPTER 10 * Not human enough *

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I stood on the other side of the table looking at her. She could barely keep herself in an upright position. It had only been a few minutes since she woke up. She would need my help until she gained control of her movements.

Here goes.

I walked around the table. "I'm going to lift you and take you to the sitting area. It is much more comfortable talking there than it is in the kitchen."

I could tell she wasn't comfortable with this, but she nodded. I bent down and scooped her up in my arms. She held her head stiffly, trying not to let it rest against my shoulder. I could tell that doing so was a challenge

I walked slowly to the sitting area, trying not to jostle her. I set her down in a chair and made my way to the one facing her. I sat down as well and placed my hands lightly on the arms of the chair and waited.

I looked at her, wondering why she wasn't asking anything. She looked confused. I sat silently, letting her figure things out. Now that I wasn't letting my hatred for earthians' lifestyle rule me, she didn't seem so bad. But I was smart enough not to let my guard down, not yet anyway. These people were full of lies and deceit.

She seemed to have gathered her thoughts and I readied myself to answer all of her questions.

"Why did you kidnap me? Are you responsible for all the missing girls on earth? Are you after some ransom? Or are you going to use us for experiments? Will you erase my memory, and the memories of all the other girls and then return us to earth? Are you trying to analyse our anatomy before you take over the planet? Are you going to make us humans your slaves? Or are you trying to find the best way to destroy earth so that you can inhabit it. Is that why I'm here? So that you can find our weakness? When will you..."

She would have carried on her rapid fire of questions if I hadn't stopped her.

"I can only answer one question at a time. I am not a machine that records everything and produces answers in the end. Try again."

She took a deep breath. She had a deep furrow on her forehead as she concentrated on a spot by my feet. "Are you responsible for the all the missing girls?"

"Yes and no."

She looked up at me.

"We have..." I looked for an appropriate word "taken girls from your planet, but we are not responsible for all the missing girls. Some of your people took advantage of the situation and decided to kidnap some of the missing girls for their own.... personal reasons." I maintained eye contact with her. But I knew, even though she was looking at me, her mind was elsewhere.

"How many girls did you take?"

"Twenty million."

She gasped, "But the news only reported a little over eighteen million girls."

It wasn't really a question but I answered her anyway.

"Your planet's intelligence team only started counting once they noticed that a substantial number had gone missing. We have been...taking girls for the past six months, not five. As I mentioned earlier, some of your people also...took girls for their own reason." I was trying to be careful with my words.

"'My people?' 'My planet?' You've mentioned that quite a number of times. Are you not human?"

"I am."

"Then why do you keep saying, 'your people'?"

"I am not from earth."

"But you said you were human."

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