CHAPTER 17 * Speeches *

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Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just said that.

I turned to see his reaction.

Nope, I'm glad I did.

He looked mad. He deserved it. First, I'm kidnaped and then I'm forced to train for my life? He'd be an idiot to expect me to be nice and happy about all of this.

I continued eating my meal. I fully expected him to blast back at me or storm out like a little girl. But he didn't. Instead, he went to order his own food and sat down next to me.

"Looks like you're good for more than falling unconscious. I was starting to think I got a defective one," he said and shoved a spoonful of food into his mouth.


I inwardly fumed.

Nope, I was going to be the bigger person. I wouldn't fall for his taunts. I wasn't going to stoop to his level. So, I continued eating, acting like he hadn't said a thing. Once I was done, I put the dishes away. I went and took a vial of water because I was feeling a little thirsty.

Now what?

I didn't know this place at all. I had only been here for a couple of hours. Or so I thought.

"How long have I been here?"

I wasn't expecting him to answer but I threw my question out there anyway.

"A few days, less than a week. You were among the last to be taken. You've been conscious for less than a day, what with your...episodes," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, but he couldn't see because I wasn't looking at him. It felt like I had been here forever. But I didn't miss home, I didn't even want to go home. This place was the most exciting place I had ever been to. Strangely, here, I felt like I belonged. Like this was the missing puzzle piece in my life. It felt like I had a purpose. Like I was actually needed. Even though I was stuck with...him.

I went to the sitting area and sat in the chair that had a view of the kitchen. I watched him finish his meal. I had so many questions still unanswered. Today I would get the answers I needed.

"So, when exactly do I get to ask my questions?" I noticed that he was barefoot, like me. He had pretty toes.

I looked back up and saw him approach me. He sat down and said, "now."

I took a moment. "will you answer all of my questions or tell me, 'in due time'?"

One side of his mouth rose, "all of your questions, I shall answer."

Why does he speak like that, like an old person?

"Why did you abduct girls from Earth?"

"We need them."

"For what?"

"Our planet's future."

"You're going to have to elaborate on that for me pal, cause I'm thinking of a whole lot of things right now."

He smiled at that.

"Our future, meaning to prevent our extinction."

Extinction? Was someone killing them off? Is that why I needed to train?

"No, we are not being hunted."

Can he read minds now? How did he know what I was thinking?

I squinted.

"And no, I can't read your mind. You just have a very expressive face."

"Then what do you mean?" I tried to put on my poker face.

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