Chapter 10

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I can't believe I just spent the nigh in Leonardo Bryant's house. Damn, his name is hot. Ugh, I can't wait to get home to panic in private, also, I should really do my homework.

We stop in front of Mrs. Pemberton's house and go to knock on the door while Leo waits in the car for me and Chris, even after I insisted he'd go home, that I could walk, but NO, he had to be stubborn.

I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer the door. A few seconds later, a shirtless Mike, answers the door and I gulp while letting my eyes travel over his naked torso. He's only wearing sweatpants, you can't judge me for staring, I'm still in the closet, at least let me look.

"Hey, Matt, what's up?" Mike asks.

Just as I'm about to answer, I feel a presence next to me and look to my side to see Leo standing there, stance straight, arms crossed in front of his chest, glaring daggers at Mike, for some reason.

"Hey! Leo, right?" Mike asks.

"Yeah," Leo says, lips forming a thin line.

"Ooookay, then, you must be here to pick up Chris, come on in, have a seat, they didn't sleep anything last night, I heard them talking and sneaking in and out of their room until late. I warned them to go to sleep but you know how they are. They never listen..." Mike says.

Leo follows me to the living room and we sit in the couch watching TV while waiting for Mike to come back with the boys.

A few minutes go by and I hear excited giggles and footsteps coming to the living room and turn around and kneel waiting for Chris to jump into my arms to hug me. He does, like I expected and as soon as he's in my arms I pick him up and let him stay there for a while. 

"So, did you have fun?" I ask my little brother.

"Yes!", he answers. " We ate gummie bears and cupcakes and read comic books and watched movies and it was fun!"

"That's good," I say and put him dow and turn to Mike." We gotta get going, thank you for looking over them, I appreciate it."

"Nah, don't even mention it, we love the little bugger, also, you should make a full of you teenage years, you know, get the full high school experience and all that shiss, I had my fun with alcohol and partys and girls...and boys." he says and sends a wink my ways. I respond by laughing and rolling my eyes.

"That's good to know, Mike. Anyway, is your mom here? Or your dad?"

"No, they went out. Grocery shopping I think, but I'll tell them you said hi, don't worry."

"Thank you. And, if I don't see you before you leave for college, have a good travel and a good college experience and until next time," I tell him and he gives me a bear hug. That's Mike for you, a flirt one minute, a hugger the next.

I laugh into his shoulder and hug him back, then laugh and say," That's enough Mike, thanks. Anyway, we're gonna go. Bye!"

Just as we're leaving, I notice that Leo seems angry and tense, so when we sit in the car, I buckle Chris up in the back sit and sit in the passenger seat. Then, turn to Leo and ask," hey, you ok? You look kinda weird, and mad."

"I'm fine, don't worry about it," he says, then smiles at me and I smile back. 

Chris fell asleep and the rest of the ride, Leo and I just sat in silence and listened to music.

About ten minutes later we arrived home.

"Sooo..., thanks for letting me sleep over, that was nice of you. And, sorry I fell asleep on your car," I say and look at him, only to find him already looking at me. I immediately blush and look down, so that he won't see me looking like a freaking cherry.

He chuckles and says, "no problem."

"Ok, bye then."

"Goodbye, Matthew."

Then I go to the back of the car and pick up Chris and take him inside the house.

I lay him down on the bed and go to make some food and come to the kitchen, only to find it a mess. 'Well, guess my mom was home', I think to myself. With Chris sleeping and me not having anything to do, I start on cleaning a little around the house after finishing on the kitchen. 

By the time I finish cleaning the house it's already 4 pm, so I decide to do my homework and be done with it, maybe that way I can take Chris out tomorrow after work. Oh my God work! I forgot I had to go to work today, oh God I hope I don't Ms. Adams won't fire me. I immediatly grab the phone and call the coffee shop owner.


"Hi, Ms. Adams, it's Matt-"

"Oh Matt, honey, I was starting to get worried, you're never late, is everything ok?" Ms. Adams asks. My boss, Karen Adams is a super nice lady. Short brown hair, browns eyes and kinda short at 5'2", at least she's short compared to me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, my friends kind of dragged me to a party and then I fell asleep and had to pick up Chris from a friends house and I forgot to call."

"Oh, that's totally ok, sweetheart, I thought something had happened! You already work way too much, you can take tomorrow off too," she says.

"No, really, that's ok, I'll go tomorrow, it's no problem, but I really am sorry about today, it won't happen again. I'll be there tomorrow earlier and I won't get paid!"

"No such thing! You work, you get paid! And if you want to come earlier you can, but if you want you can get in at the same time, no pressure."

"I'll be there at 1 pm then. Also can I bring Chris?"

"Sure honey, no problem. Well, gotta go, bye bye!"

"See you tomorrow Ms. Adams."

After I hung up I went to finish my homework and wake Chris up, who went to watch TV in the living room.

And that's kind of like our day went, we just hang around doing nothing special and really, just bonding. 

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