Chapter 14

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"Where's my love" by SYML


I walk out of the house excited about my non-date with Leo, but just as I'm about to open the door, my mom calls me. I freaked out seeing as I had absolutely no ideia she was here, and ironically, she didn't even notice that her youngest son isn't home... what a great mom huh? 

I try not to loose my good mood as I walk to the kitchen to see what she wants,"yes?"

"Where are you going?"

"Out," I try to keep my answers short, so that this conversation can end soon and I can leave. Also, I want her to know that it's not really fun when someone talks to you like that, which is exactly what she does to me.

"With who?"

"A friend, who is waiting for me and I don't want to be impolite, so if you'll excuse me..."

I don't wait for her answer and just leave and make a run for Leo's car, who is waiting for me on the other side of the road. I can hear my mom calling me but I ignore her and just go to the car, trying not to make a scene.

I walk in and close the door, "Hey," I breathe out and give him a small smile.

"Hey, is that your mom calling you?" he asks, looking concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, let's just go, " I smile. "Also, sorry I took so long."

"No worries. Also, you look nice," he says with a smile.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." And he didn't, he actually looked really nice. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a denim button up shirt, that hugged his upper body in all the right places, if I do say so myself (even though I'm a bit biased) and his oh so sexy leather jacket.

He laughs and we continue our ride with happy chatter and just listening to some of his music, which is pretty cool.

When I look out the window I notice we're in the middle of a forest. Weird, this is not what I had in mind.

"Are you secretly planning on kidnapping me and dumping my body in the middle of the woods? Should I be scared?" I ask.

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now don't you think?" he teases with a smirk" C'mon, trust me."

And with that, he exits the car. I follow after him and we walk for about five minutes until we reach a clearing where a lake stands still, seeing as there isn't much wind right now. But the place was beautiful, there were flowers, even though it's at night, it's still just as beautiful as it would have been during the day, if not better. We must be a little far from the city because you can actually see some stars and it's absolutely gorgeous, even more when the so visible stars are reflected in the lake. This place is breathtaking, how did he even find this place?

I realize I must have zoned out for quite a while because when I look behind me to look for Leo, I notice he's layed out a blanket and has food and drinks on display. I smile and blush a little when I realise he actually prepared a little picknick for us.

Ugh, he's so confusing, he's giving me a lot of mixed feeling here! Not cool man, so not cool!

"So...what do you think of the place?" he asks.

"It's amazing! Literally breathtaking. How did you even find it?"

"I don't know, to be honest I was wonderin' around one day after I got in a fight with my dad and needed to cool down and so I got in my car and drove we are."

"Wow, that's... yeah..."

He just gave me a little smile, but you could see it was genuine, it reached his eyes. His absolutely gorgeous green eyes. His eyes were the kind of green that mint ice cream gets jealous of. The kind of green that distracts you from everything around. The kind of green that pulls you in. So enticing that once you look, it takes all your strength to look away, because you don't want to miss the way the shade of green changes as his emotions do and are full on display on those stunning emerald green orbs.

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