Chapter Seven

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   The office reminded her of home, and yet not.

   They were similar, but this one, this one made her uncomfortable. This one caused a feeling of uncertainty. It felt like she was in danger.

   It didn't make her feel warm and welcome and safe. Like at home. Home was where she longed to be. But she chose this. She chose to be here. She chose to be mated to the Alpha beside her. She chose to be the pack's Luna. She chose this. So now she had to follow through. She had to uphold this end of the arrangement. Otherwise Mystic Peak would be doomed, and would eventually fall to the Rogues.

   Madeline took a seat across from Benjamin, crossing her legs. She sat stiffly, the cushioned chair even gave her this uneasy feeling. She didn't let it show. She kept her face mostly neutral, having only a soft smile plastered on her lips.

   She did her best to not look at Emerson, only occasionally glancing at him. from her short glances, she could tell that she wasn't the only uncomfortable on here.

   Benjamin took a seat behind the computer, making it clear that this was his office. He had a delightful smile, either not realizing that both her and Emerson were uncomfortable, or he was delighted because of it.

   "The sooner this Mating Ceremony happens the sooner I can get wolves to Mystic Peak." Madeline noted that Benjamin said I and not we. She noted how he was undermining his son. How he was taking over even though he was no longer Alpha.

   Emerson knew too, as his claws were out and piercing the arm of his chair. Madeline didn't know what overcame her, but she reached over and put her hand on his forearm. She subtly shook her head, trying to convince him that a fight would not be helpful. Not today.

   His arm tensed under her touch, but he did not pull away as she had thought he would. Carefully, hesitantly, she gently rubbed her thumb on his skin in soothing circles. She hoped that she was not over stepping her boundaries by doing so, but as he did not pull away, and that tension somewhat eased from her body, she figured that this was okay. That she was not doing anything wrong.

   "Sounds fine with me. Would Friday be a good day?" Madeline said, with a cheerful voice. "I know that it's only a couple days away, but it seems as if you know how to get these people to work. with so many of them, surly you could get it ready by Friday. If not, we can always push the date back."

   Madeline felt the Alpha's eyes snap to her, but she didn't dare look at him. She only looked at his father, with that sweet smile filled with poison. Just because she had grown sheltered from politics of, didn't mean that she didn't know how to play the game. She knew how to play it. and she knew how to win.

   "Of course, it is not a problem. Friday it is then." There was a strain in Benjamin's voice as he spoke. His smile not reaching his eyes.

   "Good. We will leave you to your planning." She stood up, Emerson following suit. She stopped just before the door and turned to back him. "Don't worry about my dress. I will get it myself. No offense, but I don't trust men when it comes to fashion."

   Madeline nor Emerson spoke, not until they were back in the Alpha's Wing. Madeline watched as he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured them both a glass. She took it from him and downed it in one drink. She refiled the glass and took a small sip from it this time.

   Madeline had been ready to go into that meeting and work out the hard details of the Ceremony. She was willing, though she had dreaded it. But...the way the Benjamin was behaving, as if this was his pack, it had made her blood boil. She wasn't exactly sure why, though she guessed that it was because her wolf was aware that she was about to become Luna. And she refused to let someone else call the shots while she sat there smiling and waving.

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