Chapter Seventeen

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   Something was brewing, Madeline knew that for sure. It had been so quiet for weeks. Not a word for the Rogues, not an attack, nothing. It was the calm before the storm. It made her anxious, along with many of the other Pack members who were aware of what was happening. The children, thankfully, were still oblivious to it all.

   It was the same for their neighboring Pack and her home Pack. She kept in touch with her parents and brother on a regular basis, ever since the attack. She knew if she didn't answer their daily call they would come over and possibly throttle her. She that because she missed a call from her mother, who then proceeded to blow up her phone and threaten her that if she didn't call her mother back that instant, she was grounded. Knowing her mother, she would have found some way to ground Madeline.

   Lips pressed to her head, startling her. She had been so engrossed in the papers she was holding. She looked up and saw Emerson standing next to her chair.

   "You doing okay?" He asked.

   She nodded. "Yeah, fine. Just tired."

   She set the papers down on the desk. She rubbed her forehead and yawned. She was tired. She hadn't been sleeping well, which she didn't mention. She also didn't mention that she hadn't eaten.

   "You should go lie down for a little while. I can finish your paperwork while you rest," he offered.

   She shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'm almost done anyways."

   Madeline was unsure what was going on between the two of them. She had been in Night Walker Pack for almost two months now and their relationship went from tearing out each other's throats out to...caring for each other.

   It was all happening too fast for her. She wasn't ready to be with him, or anyone for that matter. She wasn't ready to let go of Lucas. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

   Emerson gave her a look that said he didn't believe her. But he said anyways, "Finish and then go rest. I'll tell Casey you won't be able to hang out today."

   "Emerson, I'm fine, really. You don't need to be so worried about me."

   "You say that as if I can control it. I'm going to worry about you, Madeline. Especially now, with everything that's going on. So finish your work and then go up to bed. If you don't, Ricardo has my permission to carry you to be."

   There was a muffled "yes!" heard through the door and both Madeline and Emerson chuckled. Ricardo was a special one, one she had missed as her friend. With the nine other guards, Ricardo wasn't his usual fun self. He was more reserved and professional. She missed her friend.

  "Fine, but only because I'm dead on my feet."

   He nodded. "I'll hold you to that. I'll see you later." He walked out, leaving her alone, well as alone as she could be with ten guards.

   It had taken some time getting used to, but Madeline had finally fit into the role of Luna. She had stopped a number of fights, she visited the school and spoke to the children, she visited the daycare almost daily, she showed up to the meetings when she had free time, and she had piles of paperwork to go through.

   She finished with the papers she was working on before she was interrupted. She pushed back from the desk and stood. she turned off the lights and locked the office door.

   "Sorry to crush your dreams Ricardo, but no manhandling me today."

   Madeline couldn't help but laugh at his pouting face. "Your mate deserves a trophy for putting up with you," she said.

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