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"What is happening to her?!" I yell at Jackson and Chase as I begin to run as fast as I can without jostling Everett's body too much. 

"She been injected with Wolves Bane and cut with silver blades as well," Jackson informs me carefully staying at a safe distance. 

A growl erupts from my lips, followed closely by a snarl as my wolf threatens to break the surface. I can't transform, I have to remain calm and make it to the pack hospital. Everett needs a doctor or she'll die. 

She will no die. I will not allow it. I just got her back. 

"Alpha, we need to hurry, she doesn't have much time," Jackson says and I know he mind linked the pack doctor to have her prep. "She was waiting for you. It probably used all her strength. She's fading quickly."

"You don't think I know that!!" I yell and I know my eyes are glowing. 

Jackson and Chase whimper with the power my wolf emits and I continue to run. If I thought that getting to Everett before took forever this took an infinite amount of time. It seems like I can't reach the hospital at any speed that is close to quick enough. I take one step forward and ten steps back. 

Logan you better come to the hospital, I mind link him. 

I don't get a reply through the mind link but I hear him howl in the distance. He's on his way. He wouldn't stay away from his sister. For all he knows, this might be the last time he sees her. This might be the last time any of us see her. 

No, don't think like that. She will survive. 

We arrive at the pack hospital and Jane the pack doctor and her mate Niles have the room prepped and ready. They take one look at Everett in my arm and rush us over to the table. "Alpha place her on the table gently."

I go to place her on her back but Jackson calls out, "No! Her back is ripped apart it needs to be looked at immediately." I look over and nod before they leave the room to leave us to work. 

I remove the blanket that was around her shoulders and turn her to lay on her stomach making her that her face was turned towards me so I can see any signs of discomfort. 

"Alpha you might want to leave. This will be extremely difficult for you to handle," Niles tries to reason with me. 

"I'm not leaving! I have not seen my mate in fourteen years and she's in this state. There is not way I am leaving her!" My power emanates around the room and  Jane and Niles bow their heads in respect. 

"Alright Alpha, but I will need you to remain calm," Jane says sternly. I nod. I will remain calm for Everett. 

Her back is slice open in every direction. Ribbons on skin hanging and burned from silver and wolves bane. Her blood now has the black tint to it because of the Wolves Bane. 

"She will need a large blood transfusion but first we need to clean and stitch all of the wounds on her body. There are multiple. I will tell you this now Alpha. She might not make it. I can see she malnourished and has been abused for years based on the various scars. She might not have the strength to fight anymore."

I don't reply and look down at Everett, pressing a kiss to her forehead and pressing my face to her matted hair. I'll follow you Everett. If you go, I'll follow you. 

Jane begins to work on cleaning and sewing up Everett's back after pumping pain medicine into her. After she is done I help turn her over. Her front is covered in an array of wounds that continue to bleed. I cover Everett with a blanket for modesty once Jane is done. 

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