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After my little discussion with Everett she falls asleep peacefully wrapped in my bed sheets. I can't help but smile and rub my fingers through her hair. Her scent that I longed to be in my room for years is now here and I never want it to go away.

Everett needs her rest and I need to talk to Logan about how we plan to take down the Blood Moon Pack and what we know about their motives for taking Everett and torturing her for all those years. I tuck Everett in further, making sure she is warm enough before kissing her forehead gently and leaving the room as quietly as possible.

I make it to my office, Logan is already there sitting in the chair across from my desk. Files upon files sit on my desk.

"I contacted all of our allies while you were with Everett and got all the information they know about the Blood Moon Pack. I also got a list of possible kidnapped victims that were taken before and after Everett was taken." Logan says.

"Thank you, Logan. I really appreciate all the work that you have been doing for while I am taking care of Everett. I know it can be stressful." I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it before taking it.

"It's no problem. You need to take care of Everett for now. I can watch over the pack. The most important thing for you is to get Everett healthy and prepared for what is to come," Logan's eyes are hard and fierce. He looks like a true Beta in this very moment and I couldn't be more thankful for a friend like him.

I sit down and begin to look through the files. "What ideas do we have on why the Blood Moon Pack took Everett? There has to be a reason as to why other than the leader being a pedophile psycho-maniac."

"None of the packs I have talked to have any idea as to what they could possibly doing." Logan looks nervous. "I took the liberty to reach out to some of the witch clans nearby to see if they have any idea."

Witches and werewolves have never gotten along. We tolerate each other knowing that if a war were to break out between the two then it would leave to both race's extinction. No one really knows why we dislike each other but it seems to be a complicated and long history. It worries me having to go to the extent of reaching out to a witch. What the Blood Moon Pack is doing could be going further than any of us anticipated.

"What did they have to say?" I ask evenly. I continue to look through files and see pictures of girls that all look similar to Everett. It makes me upset knowing all these girls could've gone through the same fate as Everett or worse.

"They refused to speak with us unless we travelled to their lands," Logan says. It's just like witches not to want to leave their lands. They draw their power from the area they claim to be the land of their clan.

"We will travel there when Everett is in better health. In the next couple of weeks will be preferable," I inform him. "What word do we have back from the scouts about the movements of the Blood Moon Pack?"

Logan had sent Jackson and Chase to show other scouts where they found Everett. "When they reached the area where Everett was rescued the building was empty and no one was close. It seemed the Blood Moon Pack is on the move. The scouts were able to pick up their scents and followed it into Dead Man's Land. They think they are recruiting rogues."

If the Blood Moon is indeed recruiting rogues into their mix it means they have something big planned. A war could be on our hands if we do not work fast.

"Make training an hour longer and focus on wolf form fighting not human form. Also double the security around the pack boarders and the pack house. Tell your parents I think it would be safer if they moved into the Pack House with Justin and Alice for the time being until this is finished."

"I'll do that right after this discussion." Logan looks at me sincerely. "Alice and Justin have been asking about you and Everett. I told them that your make was rescued and they want to meet her."

I nod and look at the files. Everyone of our allies has either been attacked, destroyed, or a member kidnapped that resembles Everett.

"Do we have any idea when and if the Blood Moon Pack will attack next?" I ask.

"No, but I fear they plan to contact the witches much like we do. If they are able to get the witches on their side we will not be able to win this. We need to get their as soon as possible."

Logan is correct. If the Blood Moon Pack does plan to attack the witches or get them on their side we will not be able to win this. We need them to have the upper hand on what their plans are.

"Make our meeting with the witches next week. We will leave for their lands in a couple of days."

"Are you sure? Everett might not be strong enough yet. We don't even know if she can shift." Logan says concerned.

"I'll carry her on my pack when we go. She might not be able to shift but we need her with us if we are to get the witches on our side and I'm not leaving her here. She still has trust issues and probably will for a long time." Everett may never be the same as she was before she was kidnapped all those years ago. But I will stay by her side no matter what.

"Understood," Logan says. "I'll go inform the warriors and contact the witches."

Logan leaves and I go downstairs to get food for Everett and I. She needs her nourishment. I'll need to make sure she's strong enough to make it the journey to the witches land to the north. We will have to travel to all the nearby witch clans. It will be difficult and dangerous but in order to ensure my pack's safety and the safety of my allies I need to do it.

A scream rips through the house. A scream I would recognize anywhere. Everett!

Dropping everything I'm doing I run to my bedroom where the screaming and crying is coming from. I open the door and notice Everett staring wildly at the window screaming.

Outside the window hanging in the tree is the body of a young female, that looks much like Everett. I recognize her from one of the many files. She's dead. Her body mutilates and blood dripping on the forest floor below her. She's been beaten with whip marks and deep stab cuts all over her. It's unbearable to look at.

"Everett, don't look at it!" I yell, grabbing her and bring her to my chest. "It's alright. Don't look at her."

Logan hearing the screams comes running in and sees the body in the window. He hurries to cover the window but not before staring at her and what is engraved into her chest. The words "This Will Be You" with a smiley face under it. 


Hello everyone, if you follow me you might have noticed that I posted a message saying that I would not be updating last weekend because I was waiting for my new laptop. I also promised a double update so here is the first part of said double update. I hope you enjoyed it. 

|Chapter Goals and Questions|

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