Chapter 5

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"Cmon baby girl." I could hear the soft trill of Mommy's voice as she picked me up from my car seat and brought me inside. It was dusk and the soft chirping of the crickets was lulling.

I opened my eyes a bit, slowly waking up and behind me, I could see Daddy carrying all the bags inside. I smiled at his struggle because I knew he was working hard for me. Mommy, on the other hand, was steadfast in nurturing me. Although I had been slumbering in the car, now I was wide awake. I began to whine trying to wiggle down from Mommy.

"You want down?" she asked as she carried me inside setting me on my feet. I rubbed my eyes, scratched my belly, and waddled around looking for the dogs. "Hey stinker butt it's 7 pm it's time to get ready for nini," negotiated Mommy.

"Cmon babe she slept in the car she's probably got some energy, give her a snack and let the dogs wear her out," Daddy pleaded.

"Fine, but we've got to set a schedule and figure some things out, baby. You know my six weeks maternity leave starts Monday and I know we had planned to stagger our leave but, how do you feel about me being an on-call anesthesiologist rather than full time?"

"Can we afford that?" asked Daddy concerned. I looked up noticing the tension in the room.

"Of course we can afford it baby, my pay would be the exact same but rather than me being up in the hospital all day I only go in on days where surgeries are scheduled and only at a certain time. Baby I wouldn't ask if we couldn't do it. I just wanted to know how you felt about me being home with her the first couple months." I waddled off trying not to be nosey and found myself in the renovated nursery. I pulled my toys out and stacked my blocks quietly as Mommy and Daddy talked.

I started to feel infantile involuntarily. I didn't know whether to be proud or disgusted. Maybe I was both; proud that things were great, that I had a home and family, but maybe a little disgusted that it came with strings attached, I was no longer a normal 14 year old girl. But was I ever a normal 14 year old girl? I asked myself that as I stacked the blocks, I hadn't even noticed I'd wet my diaper.

Suddenly, Tank came running in knocking over my tower! In the spur of the moment, the collapsed tower and the wet diaper were overwhelming; I began to cry. Mommy and Daddy came rushing in.

"What's wrong baby," said Mommy as she picked me up. I sobbed as she held me close to her. I buried my head in her bosom and clung to her. "Shh baby I know, I know," she said as she bounced me and rubbed my back. I sobbed and wet my diaper again unintentionally. Mommy felt it before I did and kissed me. "You're alright baby, cmon how about we draw a bath and little Lulu can take a bath with mama?" The offer was enticing, to show my approval I calmed down. "Okay monkey butt," she rested me on her hip and gathered all the necessities for my bath such as towels and diapers before going to put my footies in the dryer. "They'll be nice and toasty for my munchkin when she gets out the tub," she said with a kiss. I sniffled still trying to calm down as she continued to wipe my tears and comfort me. She bustled through the hallway to her room with me on her hip and sifted through the closet.

"I like the black silk robe baby," said Daddy coming behind us. "Why don't you uhh, put that on." I knew what was going on I hadn't lived under a rock, but for some reason I stared up at Daddy innocently and blank. He kisses my forehead and ran his fingers through my curls. "Why don't you take a bath and then we can all get in bed and cuddle until the baby is down?"

"And after that," asked Mommy looking over her shoulder seductively.

"Afterwards we can read this self help book that my friends lended to me about adoption," Daddy looked at her jokingly. "Unless you've got something else in mind?" I began to whine as my diaper became uncomfortable and my appetite began to increase. "Or maybe we could try to, you know, feed her tonight"

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