Chapter Twenty Three: Champion Mathlete

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If you know the video at the top, I love you.


Chapter Twenty Three: Champion Mathlete

"Y-you I-I WHAT!" I exclaim whilst pointing in the direction of the stage he went all Jimi Hendrix on.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Landon raises his eyebrow.

"Y-you play?" I finally manage to spit out. 'Play' was the understatement of the century, Landon killed it out there.

"Did you like it?"

"Eh, you're a solid 6 out of 10. Your C cords were a little flat."

The smile on his face falters. "Wait what... Really?"

Is he serious? I place my hands on his shoulders and shake him, trying to force the stupidity to leave his body. "Landon. You. Were. Freaking Amazing. I swear on my Reeses peanut butter cups."

He also places his hands on my shoulders and chuckles. "Jesus, you must be telling the truth then."

We stare at eachother in a comfortable silence. The thought that Landon's opening up to me more than he has to anyone else makes my heart flutter. The more I learn, the more I'm starting to see the real him and not the Bad Boy everyone else sees him as.

"You should play with me in the school music show."

"The what now."

"The school music show! There's going to be talent scouts from Juilliard there and you win a big trophy and money and-" I ramble on before Landon cuts me off by placing his large hand over my mouth.

"Gem, you're the only person who knows I play. I can't go around showing the whole school. I'm not even that good."

I remove his hand from my mouth, and try to win this debate. "Oh cmon, you know you're phenomenal and plus you're a sweaty bad boy with a guitar. You'll be the biggest chick magnet in school!"

"One, I already am, gosh Gem." He taps my nose. "Two, tempting but I gotta pass."

"But Danny Zuko joined the track team for Sandy!"

"Stop comparing me to Danny Zuko woman!Also aww, was that your not so subtle way of asking to be my Sandy?"

"I hope you choke on your ego."

I could always do the show as a solo act and probably get second place, but with Landon's guitar and my piano, we'd blow the judges away and definitely get first prize. Which is why I need him, and which is also why I will do whatever it takes to get him to play with me.

"So basketball huh?" I cross my arms, putting on my 'I mean business' face.

"What about it..." He narrows his eyes, suspicious at the sudden change of conversation.

"Well..." I smile. "You just got back onto the team and you're already getting kicked back out."

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you're failing math."

"Who told y- remind me to kick Dylan's stupid ass."

"I mean I was Champion Mathelete for three years in a row."

Landon bursts into laughter, making me glare at him.

"What's so funny?!"

"Sorry, did you say 'Champion Mathlete'." Who are you, Kevin G? No wonder you're single, Gem."

This little twerp! "You know what?"

"What?" He flashes me his stupidly adorable, one dimpled smile.

I thump him hard on his forehead.

"OW! What the fuck was that for!"

"For being a bigger jerk than usual!" I shout back and start walking out of the warehouse.

I have no clue as to where I'm going, but keep on walking.

Landon paces behind me. I don't bother to look back. That is until he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.

"Let me go!" I try to say angrily, but our sudden closeness makes it sound more breathless instead.

His grey eyes bore into mine with absolute sincerity. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me."

And how could I be when he looks at me like that? "Whatever."

"Please tutor me. I need to be on the team and I need you."

"Fine but promise me that you'll play with me in the show."

He scratches the back of his head. "Gem, I don't k-"


His eyes look away from me for a brief second, and I can see the confliction.

Please say yes. Please say yes.

"I promise."


Hi guys! So as you can see I'm starting to introduce it a lot more as music was always going to be a major part of this book and the storyline will be built much around it.

Sorry if this seemed like a filler chapter but this chapter was key in developing the story and events yet to home! I promise the next one will be better!!

Love you all xx
~H <3

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