Chapter Thirty Nine: Seven Minutes in Hell More Like.

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Seven minutes in Hell more like.

I had one sole mission tonight, and that was to get really fucking drunk at this party.

Gigi and I arrived together around 20 minutes ago, whilst Carter and Ryan wanted to make a 'fashionably late' entrance.

Gigi removes a red solo cup from my hand. Probably the fourth I've had tonight. "You need to slow down girl."

"I'm fine Mom." I mock, making her roll her eyes. "Go have fun."

I could tell Gigi wanted to just make sure I was okay. I don't blame her, considering what a mess I've been since the whole Landon ordeal.

But I didn't want her to miss out on having fun because of me. Plus, the flirtatious gestures she was giving to Jason Kavanaugh from across the room were starting to make me puke a little inside.

"Don't be silly, I'm having fun with you." She says, eyes still fixated on Jason.

"Yeah sure..." I take the opportunity to slip away from her. Not as if she'd notice anyways.

I move past heaps of drunk teenagers making out like their lives depend on it. Ugh, give me a break.

I find my way to an empty balcony, picking up a random dude's red solo cup on the way earning me a 'fuck you'.

At least it doesn't smell of sweat over here.

"I agree." A voice startles me, making me fall onto the marble floor.

I place a hand to my rapidly beating heart. "Dude!"

"Shit sorry!" He offers me a hand.

I take it, glaring at him. "What if I fell over the balcony, landed onto that expensive looking car, broke my back and eventually DIED?"

"I mean, I'd probably die alongside you if you wrecked my dad's vintage Aston Martin."

"Your dad? You live here?" Wait are you-"

"Asher Whittemore. I'm surprised you don't know the guy whose party you're at." He laughs.

"Oh my god! Sorry for lashing out at you..." I give him a nervous smile. Ryan would be freaking out if he knew I was talking to his idol right now.

Now, I wasn't one to pay attention to school buzz but I was talking to ASHER WHITTEMORE. My brother's popularity doesn't come close to this guy.

He's the success story of our school, since he's now playing for the Denver Nuggets. Don't worry, the name makes me laugh too.

Even though he graduated last year, our school still has his picture hung up around school, like he's some God. I mean, he sure looks like one. FOCUS HEIDI.

"Maybe I'll forgive you if you tell me your name." He gives me a cheeky smile.

"Hm I'll have to think about it." 


Turns out I did tell him my name after all. We talked for what felt like hours.  He's a pretty amazing guy, I see why so many people look up to him.

By this point, I'd lost count with how many drinks I'd had. Let's just say I was pretty fucking drunk. I could tell Asher was pretty tipsy too, since we were both laughing at absolutely anything and everything.

I ignored the numerous death glares I was getting from his fangirls. Asher was getting over a girl too, I guess we were both in the same boat then. Sure he was very attractive, but the blonde hair and green eyes didn't do it for me.

The Bad Boy and the Piano Girl (Book #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora