Chap 1- the hurt

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Ella's POV

"Dad please. Stop. Please. I'm begging you. Let go!" I scream as his hand gripping firmly around my wrist tightens. He's pulling me from the kitchen into my room. Letting go he pushes me onto my bed.

"You're staying there for the rest of the day without any food or drink. You're gonna stay in there and not get in my way" he says slurring his words. He's drunk again. Like every other night when he comes home after work and grabs a bottle of jack daniels and pours it down his throat. One after the other he quickly becomes drunk and aggressive and I'm the only here so it gets taken out on me.

Mum died nearly a year ago now, and ever since he's not been the same. He used to be loving and caring and he never got drunk. Hell, I only ever saw him drink a glass of wine about twice before. Now he's all too different.

"Are you listening to me you ungrateful idiot? Are you listening Ella?"

"Yes, yes I am. I understand. I'm sorry. It won't happen again"

"It better not. There's an orphanage not too far down from here. You'll be off there if it happens again."

"I understand dad"

The door slams. And I can hear his footsteps gradually fade away into the living room. The tv turns on to the football and thousands of fans cheering.

Wet tears start slithering down my face and I bury my face into my pillow. It's just another night. Just another night where I cry myself to sleep quietly and hope that my father doesn't come into my room and beat me up.

I'm 16, depressed, abused, and all alone.

Plus I'm starting a new school.

Life just doesn't get better

Guys pleas read on its gets rlllly exciting later on so just bare with me and keep going!
Also plz send me a message or comment on here if willing to design a cover for this plz

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