Chapter Twelve: There's More Avocado Toast Here Than On My Instagram Feed

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Chapter Twelve: There's More Avocado Toast Here Than On My Instagram Feed


"Fancy place Dad. Are you planning on permanently moving in?"

"I'm not even here a full hour and my daughter already wants me to leave? Where did I go wrong as a parent?"

I roll my eyes and continuing getting a tour of the outrageous two bedroom AirBnB my dad just got for his trip here. He certainly doesn't need the sweeping views of the Chicago high rises that his floor to ceiling glass walls offer or having the Magnificent Mile and Navy Pier at his doorstep. The I let out a low whistle at the sight of the massive Master Suite and the attached bathroom that comes with a bathtub so big it could fit five people. His host has fully stocked the kitchen and hey there's even a separate sleeping area and den if he wants company that won't fit into all the extra space he's already got.

"I'll repeat myself.Are you sure you're only here for a couple of days or are you moving."

"I like to travel comfortably, that's all."

"There is comfort and then there's throwing your money away when you could've gotten a nice little hotel room for half the price. You're getting old Dad, shouldn't you be saving up for your retirement fund."

"This is what I get for trying to raise two independent, strong minded children. Not even out of the nest a couple of years and they're already calling you old and settling up your funeral."

"Oh come on Dad, we both know you're not the drama queen in this family, let's leave that to Mom who has called me about five times since you got here asking if you brought your hoe-bag tramp girlfriend with you."

He seems amused and I'm glad that my parents have finally gotten to a point where their insulting barbs seem to go over each other's head. In another lifetime, dinner plates would getting thrown, credits cards getting cancelled and expensive laundry be out on the streets.

Ah, the good old days.

"Good to know her little golden boy is still keeping her feisty as always."

He laughs and I think I throw up a little in my mouth. It doesn't matter how old you get, listening to your parents refer to anything remotely sexual is enough to make you want to claim that you were the result of divine conception and not because your parents were in any way, together.


"So you do have meetings all day today?" I pick up my keys and handbag, ready to head out the door.

"Yes but I would like to have dinner with you and Cole tonight if you're free? We can get drinks first at the bar around the corner and maybe grab some Italian? I heard there's a great restaurant nearby."

"Sounds perfect Dad, I'm sure he'll be free. Call me if you need anything and I'll see you tonight."

He stops me as if he's about to say something but then thinks better of it. I'm once again reminded of how he might have come here to talk to me about marrying Danielle and it's cute that he's nervous when there's no need to be. I like her and she's good for him so he definitely has my blessing, now I just have to wait for him to fess up.


I catch up with my brother and Beth once Dad's all settled in and I'm on my way home. Recently their lives have revolved around home renovation and we cannot have one conversation that doesn't involve tile patterns, backsplashes or paint chips. Not to kill their buzz but that's not a territory I'm looking into at the moment nor am I very familiar with but hey, if the girl that felt the need to bring up bustiers and corsets in every single conversation now wants to talk about the merits of marble countertops then who am I to stop her?

The Bad Boy's Forever (TBBG Series #3) NOW PUBLISHEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ