FILE 1 - Aftermath

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Ghost Writer's POV

I slammed the javelin against the table. This was the 56th meeting of Ghosts Against that Selfish Phantom, otherwise known as GASP. The 'T' in 'that' was unwanted and was not of use.

Ember, Skulker, Amorpho, Kitty, Desiree, Johnny 13, Spectra, and Bertrand were all part of GASP. We had a few exceptions, like Youngblood and Technus. Any logical person wouldn't add these two, but they basically begged their way in. It only crossed the line if we except the Box Ghost in our association. Which is never to happen. It was specifically cited under Rule 21 in the GASP member handbook: 'The Box Ghost, or other unintelligent ghosts, must never become or be invited to be a member of GASP.'

I always wondered why Amorpho wanted to be in GASP. He didn't seem to hold that much of a grudge to Phantom. But, I didn't seem to hold much either. I'm still against him, though he may have learned a lesson, but a grudge I hold for the rest of time was still evident. No matter what lesson was learned, I can never get that completed book back ever again.

I did know, however, Amorpho does not have a good relationship with Bertrand. He constantly mentioned that Bertrand was stealing 'his thing.' Not a lot of us had a good relationship outside of GASP, we only knew each other because of our common enemy.

"Now you all know why I called you here. A certain Phantom has disappeared. Now, why would he, a hero so carefree, would relieve himself of his duties?" I asked them all. They were all sitting on the long table in my library. I had a careful eye on everybody, making sure they wouldn't make any funny movements with my books. One movement, and we would go back to having meetings at Johnny's Loft, Youngblood's Imagination Dimension (a place where that toddler can do whatever he wants, which was truly a nightmare), or Amorpho's theater, and all were unfavorable. Not after what happened when we visited each place. It was true horror, especially Youngblood's place.

"Yeah!" Ember agreed. "I started a riot in the park and not once did that Dipstick come to capture me!"

"And when I went to his school and yelled, "Where are you, Ghost Boy!" He didn't come flying in and blasting the heck out of me." Skulker said angrily. I know we should all be ecstatic, but we were all worried. He could be planning anything now. Maybe even considering closing the portal down! Then we'd have to use Plasmius's portal, and he put a toll booth on it. We have to give him ten ounces of Ectolytes, basically our blood ectoplasm.

Now don't get confused. The ectoplasmic goop some of us through or those 'ecto-blasts' aren't Ectolytes, it's different. Ectolytes are our stable form of power to derive from, it's what the Zone supplies us with. What those Fentons always use was the unstable form, which results in explosions most of the time. But, unlike humans, we don't have a continuously produce Ectolytes, we have the Ghost Zone for that. We can absorb the energy from the Zone and transfer it into our own body, and in return, we give them... Well, that part's hard to explain, so I'll talk about it another time.

But there will be a time when we can no longer do so, that we may not have any more to give to the Zone. That's why most of us find alternative sources of power, to prolong our own existence before the great inevitable. Such as electricity, despair, or even knowledge. Ectoplasm had been just what ecolytes, ecto-blasts, and ecto goop are mostly classified as. Like how you call lions and tigers felines. It's the classification. The main type of ectoplasm that most would think of was the one that made up our walls, domain and sustained the Ghost Zone. Another thing was-

"And when I, THE GREAT TECHNUS," the loud shout bought me from my thoughts, "raided the electronics store to CONTROL THE ELECTRONIC WORLD, I didn't see him at all! Why wouldn't he!? AFTER ALL, I AM THE ALMIGHTY TECHNUS!" Technus shouted at the top of his lungs. A round of 'shut ups' were heard around the room.

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