File 5: Dr. Fenton's First Inma- PATIENT

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This Chapter may suck

because it does

Danny's POV

I was sitting happily in my office. I had decorated fully with desk toys, I had mounted my NERF Longstrike and NERF machine gun on the wall, a few fun books were placed in the bookshelf, I had actually brought my PS3, and so much more. It looked much livelier with my additions then it did before. So dreary. Now people should feel alive and happy in this environment!

It was already Tuesday and I had already clocked in. I start at 8 AM, I had to get here ten minutes earlier though, and end my shift and 5:30 PM for this job. Aaron showed me where to clock in, which was near the entrance, and I was able to maneuver around to find my office, at least.

Each appointment I have should last at least an hour and thirty minutes. Any morning appointment I have could either be assigned to me or reserved the previous day. I'm pretty sure there's a sign-up sheet for therapy in the Rec Room which most patients spend their mornings and afternoon. So when patients go to the Rec Room, they can sign up for my afternoon in the morning and sign up for my (next) morning in the afternoon.

I had gotten a message from the Wicked Witch (Teresa) that my assigned appointment was meant to come any second now. I had two appointments starting for today. I was patiently waiting, well not that patiently. I was playing around with a little rubber ball as well as a HOT WHEELS car.

All of a sudden, a knock was heard on my door. It startled me so much that my rubber ball bounced out of my hand and my little toy car slid off the edge of my desk. I quickly straightened my posture and made myself look all professional-like.

"Come in!" I called out, making my voice as warm and bubbly as I could. I could practically feel the fear coming from someone outside, as well as a mischevious and excitement aura from another.

BANG! The wooden door swung open! I had nearly jumped out of my seat at the sudden impact. Two guards with poles connected to restraints that bounded a patient burst through.

The patient looked like a blonde woman, who had and pigtails. She had a big ol' smile plastered on her face and the guards were terrified for her.

"You must be my patient, Harleen Quinzel, take a seat." I pointed out, directing her to the red chair that sat right in front of my desk. I had been given a short report on 'Harley Quinn', and it was really short. It wasn't a surprise, Teresa was the one who had sent me the report.

"Happily, doc!" Harley laughed, her New Jersey accent (or is it New York? Or Brooklyn?) highly evident. She tried to go and sit but the restraints around her arms prevented her from moving any further.

She looked behind her and glares, "Um, boys? You mind?" She asked cheekily, though there was a bit of a threatening tone that mixed in. They moved the restraints so Harley was able to sit down, although they still stood near with tight holds on the poles.

She looked around with a sort of excitement and then turned to me once more. "Gotta say, love what ya did with the place, doc. Last therapist? Bleh, so dreary. He couldn't do anything even if it cost him his life!" Harley let out a frightening, maniacal laugh at the end, making the guards tense up. I continued to smile, unfazed by it. Nothing fazed me unless it was unexpected, and I was definitely expecting her to try to frighten me at some point of the appointment.

"So, what do you go by?" I asked, thinking it was only polite to ask.

She looked at me, drops of confusion dripping from her. "What'cha mean, Doc?"

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