Chapter 4. Vampires all over

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Elina had a hard time sleeping in her new bedroom which was given to her. There was a fluffy cushion and the bed underneath her was soft but she couldn't fall asleep. She kept on turning from one side to another. She remembered how she had attacked the man.

He was a king! The Lord of Veneton! They would be bumping into each other as it was his mansion and the biggest thing was, she was assigned as his assistant. He might take revenge as she has attacked him. She has always heard that the Royals did not spare anyone and she literally attacked the Lord of Veneton. But it was his fault he shouldn't have followed her.

But even she shouldn't have attacked him without knowing his purpose.

"Ah!!Elina!What did you do?!" she let out a muffled cry putting her face inside the cushion.

She sat up on the bed and searched for water, thinking about everything had only made her throat dry. When she couldn't find water, Elina stepped down from the bed and made her way to the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen, the people were busy with work and preparation for something like a feast. At midnight, what kind of work or feast they would be having? Elina thought. Before she could ask them, a lady came to her holding a silver goblet.

"Would you like to taste this, madame?" she asked.

Elina didn't refuse, it would be like disrespecting the lady."Yes, I will taste. What juice is it?"
She took the goblet from the lady and brought it near her lips.

"It is Blood, A bears pure blood which our Lord had hunted for us" the lady replied with pride.

"What?!" Elina shouted, spitting the blood out of her mouth and dropping the goblet on the floor.

She looked around the room, every single person was drinking blood. All of them now stared at her. She started feeling scared from all of them. A room filled with vampires and she was the only human among them. She started moving slowly towards the door.

"Madame, what happened? Won't you taste this?" the lady asked moving towards her with a quirky expression.

Elina flinched seeing the lady. Just before the lady could give her another goblet filled with blood,

"Assistant, what are you doing here at this hour of time? Anyways I have some work for you, so can I expect you in my study room, now" she heard Lord Evan's voice. When she turned, she saw him exit the kitchen. She breathed a sigh of relief and followed him. When they exited the kitchen, she saw him holding her wrist tightly and dragging her towards his study.

"W-what are you doing?!" she yelled at him but he didn't reply.

Once they reached the study room, she yanked her hand from the king's grip and moved away. When she saw him coming towards her, she slowly backed towards the wall and felt her back hit the wall.

She felt the lord lean forward and speak, "What were you doing there? Don't you know, you being a human should not go to a group of vampires, especially when they are having their feast. Do you want to be their next meal?" he scolded her softly.

She panicked hearing him as she thought he wanted to make her his meal and as if he heard her thoughts he spoke,

"Don't worry, I won't kill you" he said stepping behind."Remember! don't go anywhere alone. Always stay near Stefan or Olivia, okay!" he said in a matter of fact tone.

"The mansion is filled with vampires and you are the only human here, they didn't smell you, maybe because of the bear's blood's scent but you won't be always fortunate. So be careful"

She nodded her head and moved out of the study room. She went to her room and laid on the bed.

A little girl was returning from the wood carrying a small basket filled with berries. As she came near her house, she saw a man standing in front of her mother. The man was wearing a black hood she couldn't see the man's face as he was facing his back towards her."who is this person" the little girl murmured to herself when she took a step ahead suddenly, the man dug his fangs into her mother's neck sucking out all blood from her mother leaving her mother lifeless
on the floor.

"Mommy" she screamed, the basket in her hand fell down on the

Elina woke up suddenly, her body covered with sweat and her heart thudding loudly in her chest.
"I can't stay here, these creatures killed my parents. They made me an orphan" she muttered to herself.
"No, I will have to leave"

She stepped down from the bed and walked towards the window.
When she looked out of the window, she saw someone digging the ground in the mansion's garden.
She exited her room and moved towards the garden to check who it was.


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