My other stories

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Twelve years ago, an incident changed my entire life. I was sent to London by my father with a new identity all alone, away from my family and home, away from everything that was me.

With a new persona as Jennifer Ryson, I rose from the ashes and became a force to be reckoned, a name to be remembered, the richest businesswoman in London.

Alas, past is like a haunting spirit who follows you until you face it square in the eye. Twelve years later, that's exactly what I'm forced to do. Unravel a mystery that changed my life.

The only problem? The key to find out what exactly happened that night is by taking the help of my nemesis who I'd rather butcher in his sleep.

Lykas freaking Vitallis.

My business rival, my sister's to-be fiance and a connection to my past I would do not want to acknowledge.

But beggars can't be choosers afterall.


Here's an excerpt from the book -
(Chapter 5) :

☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

I turn and toss in my bed, groaning at the absence of sleep due to the jet lag. Peeking a glance at the clock on the wall, it reads 1: 30 AM.

According to London's timing, it's still late evening, five hours behind New York time. My body seemed to be accustomed to that timeline, depriving me of some much needed slumber.

"Agh! This isn't working!" I run a frustrated hand through my hair, jumping out of bed and walking towards the open balcony.

Cool breeze welcomes me, bringing a sense of calm with it. Sighing, I rest my elbows on the carved stone railings and stare below at the insanely vast estate around me.

For all its glory in the morning, Davidson Villa grounds look creepy at night. A wide stretch of land with no houses or person in sight for miles, just the empty, endless gardens, pools, golf course and different activity clubs.

It looks like something out of a haunted movie-isolated, dark and gloomy. The only light came from the swimming pool in the front yard. . .

My brows furrow in confusion as something catches my sight. Then a slow, languish grin tugs at the corner of my lips.

Here's a secret, my favorite past time happens to be pissing off my business rival. And right now, I'm morally bored.

Not thinking twice, I'm already stalking out of my room, past the security outside the villa and towards the frontyard pool area.

Jennifer Ryson is swimming like an athlete, her steady arms pedaling rapidly against the still water and her eyes sharp with focus.

With a deliberate slowness, I approach the pool and take a seat on my knees at the edge. She notices me but continues swimming as if I'm invisible.

Resting my palms on the tiled edges, I lean ahead, "Didn't know you were planning to enroll for the Olympics, Ryson. Pity, I'll miss you in the business world." I tsk, feigning the world's most fake sad expression.

Jennifer proceeds to ignore me, taking her laps through the rectangular pool with maddening speed.

It makes me grin.

"Not complaining though," I dip one hand inside the pool, itching to splash her when her lithe body swims towards me like a wraith in water.

And then just because I'm a douche who wants her to react, "You could sell Ryson Group to me, I'll take great care of it."

That finally has her attention and she halts right in front of where I'm crouching on my knees.

My sight focuses on her cold eyes that are icier tonight, on the water driping from her long lashes. Her face is a mask of zero emotion, a veil of mysteries untold. It bothers me, intrigues me more than I'd like for it to.

A few water droplets slither down her angled cheeks, the others make their way along her proud nose down to her pouty pink, full lips. . .

A lump lodges in my throat as I focus my attention back to her irises.

Greenest green eyes narrow to slits, "Stop being an opportunist. I'm not selling anything, least of all to you."

"Ouch. That hurt." I place a hand to my heart in mock hurt.

Jennifer just stares, blank and emotionless, "Why are you here?"

"Hmm. Let's see." Tilting my head to the side, I pretend to think, "It's a free country, so I thought why not explore? Maybe swim a little in the big, nice pool."

A mockery of humor glints in her eyes, "I find it quite coincidental your exploration always seems to be happening around me."

"Too much coincidence is equivalent to fate, Ryson. Don't you know?" I smile down at her teasingly.

"And deliberate coincidence is equivalent to plotting with nefarious intentions." She glares, shooting right back.

"Nefarious intentions? Now that is some really strong accusation there, Ryson. How could you? I'm deeply wounded." I beam, enjoying her annoyance more than I should be enjoying, "Besides, you can't dictate where I can be or not."

For a long moment Jennifer doesn't reply and I'm pretty sure she's going to ignore me again. But then I hear the splash of water and she's emerging out of the pool.

"Well then, I can decide where I want to be. And that's not around you." She makes her way to the straw chair.

Despite myself, I find my gaze traveling along the shapely curves of her body in the skimpy swim suit. Jennifer's not particularly short, her legs are long enough that they seem to stretch on forever. Her narrow waist leads down to shapely hips and an impresive. . . .

Oh for fuck's sake, stop being a creep, Lykas!

I force my eyes away from everything that is Jennifer Ryson, taking in a sharp breath to cool my roaring blood. She's your rival, remember that damnit.

"By the way, a piece of advise." The sound of her footsteps halt, then they're stomping my way, "Next time, wear a swimsuit when you decide to come out for a swim."

Before I can so much as react, I feel my body careen forward and splash into the chlorine water as my eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

She fucking pushed me into the stupid pool!


The Vampire King's Mate [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora