thirty four

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"If I could act on my revenge, oh would I? Some kill, some steal, some break your heart."

"It can't have been a Socio. It's not possible," Jasper says abruptly.

Naomi shrugs and stares straight ahead again. "Believe what you want to believe. Quite frankly, I don't care."

My mind is racing, my thoughts crashing into one another at unimaginable speed. A Socio killed Jacob. One of his friends. Does this mean the deaths aren't linked?

"What does this mean?" I mutter.

"Beats me," Naomi says, as Jasper helps me up from the chair, keeping me in his arms. It seems to be hitting him harder though, because his expression is so unreadable that I don't think he can conjure an emotion that can compensate for everything that he is feeling right now. "But now it's time for my part of the deal."

"What do you want from Rosa's office?" I grunt, not letting go of Jasper's hand. The sooner I can get what she wants from Rosa's office, the sooner I can try to work out what happened the night Jacob was killed.

She smirks. "A student file."

I frown but don't question it. "Who's file?"

Naomi puckers her lips innocently and says in a casual tone like she's discussing her favourite thing to put on toast, "Yours."

My body stiffens. "Why do you want my file?"

"We want to know who the hell you are," she says smoothly. "Your file is the key."

Jasper eases me behind him while he glares at her. "You're a bitch, you know that, right?" he snaps to Naomi.

"Oh, darling, I know." She turns to me. "Can you do it? You know what will happen if you can't."

Alec won't be leader anymore. I'm not backing down that easily.

"Piece of cake," I say confidently. I don't think it matters if the people at this school know what I did. They can hate me. They can fear me.

It is what it is.


"You sure you're up for this?" Bailey asks rather mockingly.

I'm standing with a group of other students in the library. It's maybe six o'clock, and the library is pretty much deserted, apart from us. Everyone else is at dinner. Which means Rosa won't be around to spot me.

The group consists of me, Bailey, Alec, two girls and three boys who are Bailey's friends, and Jasper. Alec has spent the last ten minutes trying to convince me and Bailey to reconsider, but neither of us are giving in. Jasper hasn't spoken to me since everyone arrived in the library a few minutes prior to now.

"Bailey," I say dryly, "I've taken a lot of hits today. So it would mean the world if I spend these next few minutes without hearing your voice."

She scowls and walks away to speak to someone else.

Jasper approaches me and takes hold of my hand. "You sure you want these people to have your file?"

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