thirty eight

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"I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind."
-See You Again, Tyler, The Creator

"Where are we going?" I ask.

Alec stops, turns and stretches out his hand to me. "Do you trust me?"

"I think you already know my answer," I reply, and take his hand. It's warm. Really warm. I grip tighter, never wanting him to let go.

"Perfect," he says in an up-beat tone, jogging again.

I follow him into the woods and we trek for some time. When I slow down a little, losing breath a lot quicker than I would've before Naomi beat the living daylights out of me, Alec stops. Before I can think twice, he hoists me onto his back and begins to run.

I don't know how he can run at the same speed as before with me on his back. But we make it to the fence in record-breaking time and he helps me over. When he lands beside me we run a little longer before making it to the clearing where his Harley is sat, chained to a tree.

I grin when I see it, Alec unlocking the chain. Without saying a word, we sit on the motorbike and Alec revs the engine before skidding down the dirt track and onto the road.

The motorbike races down the empty road, and I call over the wind, "What are we doing?"

He laughs, the intense wind brushing back his deep brown hair. "Having fun."

I wrap my arms tighter around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder, watching the moon sit high in the pitch black sky.

Eventually, he pulls up at the cliff edge that we first kissed a million years ago. Alec kills the engine and hops off the motorbike, stretching out his hand to me.

"Why are we back here?" I ask, taking his hand and interlocking our fingers.

"I told you. We're having fun," he says, and begins to run to the edge of the cliff, towing me along.

Realisation dawns on me, but it's too late. Alec has already leapt off the edge of the cliff, and I have no choice but to jump with him.

We plummet to the ocean below, time slowing almost to a stop. The only sound is my stretched gasp and the ripple of the black waves lapping against the shore.

And then we crash into the ocean, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. I'm submerged in the pitch black silence for a moment until I resurface, gasping for air and treading water while I push my wet hair out my eyes.

When Alec doesn't resurface, I look around frantically, calling his name. Suddenly, he jumps out of the water, making me jump for the second time in less than an hour.

I smack his arm as he laughs hysterically, pushing his own soaking locks out of his eyes and over his head.

"Aw, you care," he says with pouty lips.

"You're my ride back, I don't want to walk," I reply mockingly, and he laughs. We begin to swim back to shallower waters, and stop when we can stand properly.

Alec turns to me and puts his hands onto my shoulders, drawing level with me. "Now, was that fun or was that fun?"

"A little heads-up would've been good, but yes, I had fun," I admit, staring at the foot of water brushing up to our knees. I smile and follow him to the sand, where we plonk ourselves down.

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