Chapter Nine

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I was standing in front of Nathaniel's house now

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I was standing in front of Nathaniel's house now. I just stared at the door, feeling the confidence that had built up in me a few hours ago simply drain out of my system. I had an excuse as to why I was here — returning his key, but it was a weak one. He could easily get it from me during his regular morning walks when we met up. A sigh left my lips as I ran a hand through my hair. I had lied to get out of the station, saying I was visiting someone I had started staying in touch with. Well, it was more of a half-lie. I wasn't here to talk about God with Nathaniel, that's for sure.

From what the lady at the grocery store told me, he had come back earlier today. It was early noon now, I hadn't seen him since he came back, so here I was.

My eyes went wide when my ears picked up the sound of the door lock turning. I stood frozen, watching as the wooden door flew open and Nathaniel stepped out. He didn't notice me at first, but when he did one of his brows rose up as he gave me a confused look.

"I came to return your keys," I said, looking away from him as I searched my pockets for his keys. When I found it, I took it out before walking over to him and stretching it out to him. He hesitated a bit before taking the key from my open palm.

"Is that all you wanted to do?" he asked.

No. Of course, I didn't say that out loud. Instead, I just stared at him with my lips lightly parted like I had lost my voice. He chuckled, shaking his head before moving to drop the garbage bag he was holding in the bin by the door. He walked into his house, holding his door open before staring at me.

"Are you coming?" he asked, and I blinked, nodding before walking into his house as well. He closed the front door behind us, and it was then it dawned on me that I was really inside his house. My eyes darted from corner to corner, taking in the small living room we were standing in now. The place was simple with the basic colors and furnishing. Exactly what I had expected. Nathaniel had struck me as the simple type of person.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I heard him ask as I watched him head towards the tiny kitchenette at the corner.

"Yeah, water is fine," I said, watching as he hummed, opening the tiny fridge before pulling out a pack of juice instead.

"How's this?" he asked, waving it above his head so I could see it.

"It's fine," I answered, wondering if he hadn't heard me ask for water, but I didn't think about it too much.

I stood around, watching as he went about filling out a glass for me. I thanked him when he brought it to me and started to drink from the glass as he went ahead to take a seat on one of the beaten-up sofas.

"So," he started, reaching out for the remote on the coffee table in front of him. "What are you here for?" he asked, looking over at me. I paused drinking the orange juice, and just stared at him, trying to think up what to say.

"I came to return your keys."

"We both know you're lying Math," he said, and I just stared at him with wide eyes.

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