Chapter Nineteen

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"Mathew?" My eyes opened up at the sound of my name

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"Mathew?" My eyes opened up at the sound of my name. The dog that had been lying beside me got up and started barking and wagging its tail. I squinted, trying to look into the street. There were no street lights here, so it was dark. I could only make out a figure. The person walked up the stairs and was soon on the patio under the orange fluorescent light. It was then my fogged mind realized it was Nathaniel. My eyes went wide, and my heart was beating as I looked up at him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me, and I just shrugged, bringing my knees to my chest before hugging them. I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I had napped around seven in the evening, and now it was... I looked about, noting how dark it was. Gosh, how long have I been sleeping? I wondered to myself as Nath walked closer to me. He bent over a bit, reaching out to push stray strands of hair away from my face. He was wearing a jumper and a pair of slacks. It let myself watch him massage my cheek with the base of his thumb.

"What happened to you?" his voice was void of shock this time. It was softer. I looked into his dark eyes, wanting to reach out to him so I could latch on to him and cry, but my throat was oddly dry, and I couldn't make a sound. I just looked towards the bag sitting beside me, and Nath's gaze followed mine. I turned to face him. His eyes had an unreadable expression, and he seemed to stiffen.

"You — You left?" he asked, and I just nodded. I watched him bite his bottom lip before letting go of my face. He straightened out, letting out a sigh as he ran a hand through his frizzy hair that he had out today. No buns, not braids, just his hair.


"I wanted to leave," I said, cutting him off before he could go on a rant about making decisions on a whim. My gaze followed him, watching as he looked down at me again. I want to be with you Nath. That was what I wanted to say. That was what I should have said, but I muttered something else entirely.

"I was tired of everything. I don't know. I don't want to be there anymore," I groaned, covering my tired eyes with my hands. I felt something wet on my ear. It was probably the dog trying to comfort me.

"I won't ask," Nath said, as I listened for the sound of his feet on the floor. "But I'll help," he said as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I took my hands away from my face, staring at him with a mix of emotions.

"Come on, let's go inside." I wanted to cry — of joy that is. I scrambled up to my feet before adjusting my clothes. Nath had already picked up my red backpack and was looking through his pocket for his home keys. When he found them he opened the door, and I followed him inside. We left the dog behind, making the poor thing whine. Emotions whirled up inside me as I followed him to the kitchen, taking a seat by the counter as I watched him get things from the fridge.

"Do you want anything to eat specifically?" he asked, and I blinked, realizing that I had zoned out. I haven't been in Nath's place in a while. Maybe over a month. Everything was still the same. His hot water kettle was still in the same place I had last seen it, but God it's felt like forever. The past few months with him resounded like a continually pressed piano key in my head. He was all I could think about — all I wanted. I couldn't really think back to when my life was boring and simple. I couldn't really think back to a time when I wasn't thinking of Nath.

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