Chapter one: Thor (kinda)

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And now here's the first chapter. I would love some feedback on whether or not I should continue this story. The idea is still there but depending on the ratings, I might actually continue this story after this chapter.



{Good Morning, Master Mot}


Mot wakes up in an unfamiliar room. It was a bedroom, a rather large bedroom, with interesting trinkets, unlike anything he has ever seen.

He lies in a bed of silk, a very comfortable bed of silk the shade of emerald green and silver. Mot sits up and looks around.

The stone walls, a kindling fire, some gorgeous, green curtains, a really big window, and a kindling fire. Where the hell is he? The Slytherin dorms?

{Welcome to Asgard, Master Mot.}

"Asgard? As in Thor Asgard?"

{What other Asgard is there?}

"Good point." Stifling a yawn, Mot crept out of bed, like a lazy cat, as he went to the window. What he saw was a sight to behold. A land of technology and knowledge appear before his eyes.

He became bewildered. Hovering ships, floating balls, oddly shaped buildings, and a few planets that look like they're about to collide with the surface of this world.

Oh! And a really long, rainbow bridge to somewhere.

His mouth watered slightly, itching to tear apart this realm one bolt at a time in the name of science engineering.

{Initiating memory transfer.}

009 says.

It was all the warning Mot had before being swamped by a massive headache. He scrunched his nose slightly and held his head, waiting for the pain to go away.

{He was Loki Odinson, the dark second prince of Asgard and the God of chaos and mischief (and fire).

After Loki's birth, he was abandoned in a temple and left to die during the war between Asgard and Jotunheim. Odin eventually found him and took him in. He and Frigga raised him as an Asgardian prince alongside their biological son, Thor.

At a young age, he had a talent for magic and was a genius in many areas, such as diplomacy, war tactics, archery, innovation, fine arts, reading, accounting, business, politics, and anything else that could possibly make this man any better. However, Loki was also very much neglected during his childhood.

It should have come to no one's surprise that the kid was more intellectual than his brawnier compatriots. Since Asgard is strictly a warrior society, Loki, being both a boy and a sorcerer, was usually put down and scorned for his individualism. This made him feel inferior compared to his brother, who was the golden prince of Asgard.

It was unfortunate that Frigga and Odin were not able to notice or discern the signs sooner. Eventually, Loki's heart became corrupted by sadness, anger, jealousy, envy, and rage.

On the day of Thor's coronation, Loki sabotages the crowning ceremony by letting in Jotuns into Asgard. This led to a series of events in which Thor and his friends, the Warrior Three and Lady Sif, and Loki, going toJotunheim secretly to seek revenge. Of course, Thor gets banished to Earth and Loki finds out the truth of his heritage.

Loki succeeded in his schemes and took the throne as Odin fell into the Odinsleep, however when the Warrior Three and Lady Sif attempted to return Thor home, Loki was forced to try and kill his brother.

The Loki SystemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon