Chapter three: Thor (kinda)

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Yay! I got a chance to update! So, all your answers have been rather interesting in the ml, however, I'm not going to make this that easy. By the way, has anyone watched Infinity Wars? Oh my poor baby...

On with less tragic news, I wrote this so I can heal my heart. Please enjoy! Comments and reviews are always welcomed!



The ceremony was great, fabulous, totally, absolutely, boring to boot.

What the hell is this?

Loki emerged from the door gracefully, making his way to the queen and king before stepping aside to join the royal family and the high-ranking warriors of Asgard. The crowd was huge. There was hardly anything new about the ceremony,

This feels like senior graduation all over again.

The Asgardian watched their dark prince, wearing women's clothes and looking every bit like the sorcerer he is. There was hardly a piece of metal armor or any signs of a warrior on him. However, the court was somehow torn between disappointment and yearning, not sure how they would feel about the newly emerged ergi trickster.

Meanwhile, the Warrior Four were slowly contemplating and reevaluating their lives. Actually, let me rephrase that. Fandral, Sif, and Hogunn were reevaluating their lives. (Volstagg is married, loyal to his wife, and is old enough to be their father...)

The stares directed to Loki were many. Of course, Odin and Frigga did not let this go unnoticed as they both shared a look. If anyone was capable of noticing the king at that very exact moment rather than spending their time ogling their prince, they would have noticed that King Odin Allfather was beginning to turn purple and red in the face, a vein popping out of his head as though he was prepared to lop off every one of his subjects for the blatant disrespect they were showing to his youngest son.

The door swung open and Thor swept in like a fiery storm of thunder. The crowd reacted late. It wasn't until five seconds had pass did the cheers began to roar like drums and whistles. Thor waved, held his hammer high, his chin tilted to the sky, and proceeded to smile with all the arrogance in the world. Loki raised an unimpressed brow as he clapped politely. As for his mother, she could only shake her head with a helpless smile while his father just kept staring with all the patience in the world (judging by the tightening of his hand around Gungnir, he may have been equally irked).

He could hear Sif groan as he said "Oh, please..." exasperatedly with a roll of his eyes. Across from where he was standing, Loki saw that Hogun, ever the taciturn warrior, stood stiff postured and on guard; Volstagg and Fandral, on the other hand, clapped boisterously and hooted, whistling and cheering louder than anyone else in the room.

Eventually, and Loki really meant it when he said eventually, Thor finally reached the steps of Odin's grand throne, smug looking and red cape billowing with the help of nonexistent wind as he kneeled smoothly on one knee, taking off his helmet and winking.

Frigga threw him an admonishing glance and Odin seemed to have had enough with the dramatics and rose to his feet, smacking Gungnir on the ground to silence the room.

Loki cheered internally. They were finally starting!

Odin raises Gungnir before them and begins to speak. "Gungnir. Its aim is true, its power strong. With it I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms since the time of the Great Beginning. And though the day has come for a new King to wield his own weapon -- that duty remains the same. Thor Odinson, my heir, my first-born..."

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