Where pt2

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Olivia walk out and talks to Huck

"Bye Huck , take care of them"said Olivia ; Huck nodded in agreement. Olivia walked over to Marcus who returned with Fitz. " Here Olivia"said Marcus handing her a bottle of wine,her favorite a Dubelé. On the bottle was a tag sayin "From:The Gladiator To:Olivia". "Thank you everybody "said Olivia as she started walking out. Quinn and them waved bye through the glass door. Huck walked her to the elevator for the last time. "And Huck , Take care of yourself" said Olivia as she hugged him.

Fitz went to see Mellie and Teddy in the Residence. Karen was in college so he called her and asked how she was.

A/N I'm letting you guys know now that I write short chapters that my M.O.
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Till next time 😘

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