6. Revolt

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I woke up with a bad headache in the nurse's office. The nurse notified the principal that I woke up and he walked into the room.

"What happened, Scarlet," he asked.

I didn't remember.

"Did William Stephens punch you?"

OMG, I could not believe they were trying to blame this on him too. "Billie? No Billie didn't do anything at all, like ever." Principal Marks looked at me confused. "Ryan Flannagan was the one who punched me."

"But Bill was there, wasn't he? Why would he be in a room with you and Ryan Flannagan who went home sick right as you were found?"

"I was talking to him, and Ryan was there, I dumped my coffee on him so he punched me in the face."

"Why did you dump your coffee on him?"

I was getting annoyed, "Because he was being a dick."

"Watch your language, Grant. And that was cause for you to pour a beverage on him?"

"Yes!" This was getting really annoying.

"So, you instigated a fight with someone no one saw entering or leaving the library and got punched in the face?"

"I guess that's what fuc- freaking happened!" I started shouting. Was he really trying to blame this on me and Billie?

"Do you have any proof?" I forgot that the school has shit budgeting and only has security cameras in the cafeteria and around all the exits.

"Ask Ryan or whoever does his laundry if his clothes are stained and smell like coffee! Also, he took a picture of us."

"Of you and Billie?"

If he weren't the principal I'd curse him out too.

"Yes! Oh my God! Just get your proof and leave Billie alone."

"Billie is currently under investigation by the school for committing a serious crime. Why were you with him alone?"

Was he really being serious? I suddenly knew what I had to say to put an end to this meaningless interrogation. "Billie is my boyfriend who I'm too embarrassed to be seen with and I was with him and can vouge for him at the time Trisha Mink claims he attacked her!" I looked up my principal's eyes opened wide in disbelief. I also saw Jess and Ranee standing in the doorway. They probably came to check up on me, and by the looks on their faces, they had just heard exactly what I just said.

"You know what I think," principal Marks started, "I think you and your little 'boyfriend' are part of some sort of conspiracy. I'm launching a full investigation into this immediately."

"I'm telling you the truth! I was there Trisha was never in that house. That's why she didn't press any charges and that's why it was only a rumor until someone called the police about it. Billie wouldn't hurt a fly. I was talking to him about how to get the truth out about Trisha's lies without making things worse in the study room in the library. Ryan saw us or something and walked in and threatened us. I dumped my coffee on his head. He punched me and went home like a little bitch leaving Billie to take the blame."


Principal Marks sent both Billie and I home until we could 'get our stories straight.' I received a billion texts from kids at school asking about what had happened. There was a rumor going around that we were dating which was my fault mostly, but still I knew Jess and Ranee told everyone what I had said.

I looked at my mirror in my bathroom at my prominent black eye. I thought I figured out what happened. Ryan was probably going home sick and was in the nurse's office when Clara and I were making our plans to talk to Billie in the library (my locker is right outside of the nurse's office). There was a stairwell right next to that office that led to right outside the library. He must've snuck in with no one noticing because most of the librarians ate lunch at the same time we did. He probably made up some lie about needing stuff from his locker before he drove himself home. I didn't know why that seemed so unbelievable. Also, I probably would've made a great fucking detective.

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